Join Diabetes Blog Week (You have a TuDiabetes Blog, you know?)

So last year Karen had this idea. She wondered if anyone would be interested in joining Diabetes Blog Week and blogging about a set topic each day. The response was overwhelming and the whole week turned out more awesome than she ever could have imagined!! Many asked if this would become an annual thing - and at that time she couldn’t even start to think that far ahead. Once everything settled down, however, I knew I wanted to do it all again! And now, the time is here!!

YOU HAVE A BLOG ON YOUR TUDIABETES PAGE why don’t you use it this week!

You can see the list of topics for each day here.

And it’s fun. I have strangers reading my blog now. I just posted the MONDAY topic and I really can’t wait to finish out the week [link]. I think I’m going to try to do at least one video blog for this event.


(and if you’re a twitter user, we’re using the hashtag #dblogweek)

lol! I will be sure to check it out!