Hello Everyone !
I was recently informed that my medical supplier (Byram) had their contract dropped with Molina (WA state Medicaid) to cover my Omnipod pump. I’ve been hunting high and low for DME suppliers and wanted to get insight on what others thought on the ones I’ve rounded up. I’ve already tried a DME provider search on Molina’s website and it’s about as useful as eating lead … seriously.
Currently, my eligibility is being determined with “Advanced Diabetes Supply;” I won’t have any news until next week if they can provide me with my Dexcom (G4) and pods. Until I know for sure they’ll cover all my supplies, I’m also looking at “Edgepark” and “CCS Medical.” I’ve also seen other DME supplier names floating around these forums, e.g., “Liberty.”
Please share your experience and any advice you may have. Thank you in advance!