Omnipod vendors

I was separated from my favorite vendor, Solara, due to insurance canceling them as a preferred provider. They covered my Omnipod supplies and waived the co-pay. I am left shopping for a new vendor. I haven’t had good luck with Byram Healthcare and have read several bad reviews about Edgepark. Does anyone have a vendor for Omnipod supplies they would highly recommend?? I live in WA state. Thanks!

My first call to find supplies would be to the Insurance company. They are the ones with the list of DME preferred providers for your plan coverage.

I was getting Omnipod supplies from Advanced Diabetes Supply (who also went under the name North Coast Medical).
They were fairly easy to work with, but as I’m in the Midwest, I wanted a vendor closer to me. Ironically, after some early problems with them, I have not had problems with Byram Healthcare (I get Dexcom supplies from them.)

Thank you!

I might give Byram another try. I have had poor past dealings with them on billing issues. When I called today, they still had a posting about a bill that was haggled over and resolved 3 yrs ago, mainly b/c they didn’t bill insurance and billed me the full amt. It was a mess. I was happy to be done with them and am not very anxious to return. Fortunately I am able to get Dexcom supplies directly from Dex. Thanks for the input.

For OmniPods there’s also All American Medical Supplies in Fla

My original problem with Byram was also a billing problem - I just know that I have to be on top of them. I also use Foundation Care in Missouri and am very happy with them.

When I fired Edgepark, lasted two months with them, I called BCBS and asked if there were any more durable medical suppliers on the list, because Edgepark made me believe they were the only one. I found and used them mainly because I wanted to deal with someone located in Louisiana and close enough to go to them and get in their face if I have to. LOL.

They have been nothing but nice and accomodating and they even called me this december asking me if I want my diabetes supplies for 90 days since I will have to pay a co pay come January. I love this company and I’m really hard to get along with companies.

Thanks. I found out that BCBS is partners with my Premera Blue Cross and that if a vendor is a PP with BCBS, it would also be a PP on my insurance. I found out that OmniP might be a PP and that would be my first choice since I have dealt with them before. If not, I will check out the vendor suggestions all of you have offered. I appreciate the information.

When I first started with the OmniPod over 6 years ago, I used to get my Pods directly from Insulet. Then my insurance forced me to go to EdgePark, too. Will your insurance let you go directly to Insulet to get your supplies? When I am off of my current insurance in another couple of years, I promise I will not stay with EdgePark!

How is All American to deal with? I live 7 months in Florida and five months in Wisconsin. I am a Florida resident, so I will be getting supplies from a new vendor soon. Have you had any shipment, billing, etc. problems with All American?

I feel like I’m going around in circles with this issue. Insurance told me they thought Insulet was on the provider list, but after making calls and waiting for a day or so, I found that insurance was wrong. I never heard back from Byram, they were supposed to be getting me signed up as a customer. Glad I don’t need pods immediately. So now I am going to try DMS (Diabetes Mgmt & Supplies as Roxanne suggested. I think Insulet recommended them. I don’t know about All American but maybe I will call them too. Nobody is recommending EdgePark so I will skip them. I personally recommend Solara. They were excellent but unfortunately were pulled from the provider list without as much as a mention by my insurance co. I didn’t find out until I went to re-order supplies.

Hi SherryAnn, I only received a 90 day supply of pods from All American. Totally confused. Got their number from Medicare and when I called I told them Medicare was my primary and gave them my AARP UnitedHealth care Plan N. She took all the numbers, called me back 2 days later and said I was “good to go.” She nailed me supply telling me to call when I was running low.

I was soooo happy. Almost 3 months later I called and was told that Medicare wasn’t covering it. BUT, wasn’t that the purpose of them making me wait a few days to get Medicare’s approval?
All American told me that Medicare isn’t approving it because OmniPods are a “luxury item.” I beg to differ. After being a brittle, type 1 diabetic for 50 years I am totally stressed. I’ve appealed it first time and it was denied. So I’m about to embark on round 2.
Sorry for digressing. I believe that as long as you’re not on Medicare that, hopefully, it’ll be smooth sailing