Eaiting Nuts decreases the Diabetes

Yesterday I watched a progrmme on KTV2 family channel which assured that women who eats nuts مكسرات) decrease the percetage of being affected with diabetes , how valid is this ??

Hi Alaa,
This is a very good question. It is very easy to get confused. Actually there is no food that can prevent diabetes. The best we can do is eat very healthy and take care of ourselves well and that in itself is the better way to prevent some diabetes.but not all.
Nuts are a virtual treasure of nutrition for us though. Most of us who are diabetic eat nuts, but they are good for everyone. Walnuts and almonds and peanuts are especially good for your heart Pecans are very good for you as well. Peanuts are good also for the liver because they have choline in them. The liver is essential for handling fats and insulin Nuts provide us with certain vitamins, and very beneficial fats. We need some fats to help us with our own cholesterol. And the list just goes on. I am not really breaking eveything down here so that i won’t keep wirting and fill the page. But the basic truth here is that nuts are extremely good for you. Also the nut butters are really good for you, but it is hard not to eat too much of those. I eat a spoonful of peanut butter each day because my doctor said he wanted me to eat it for the choline in there. I can also eat eggs for the choline as well. Personally I really like almond butter. I think it tastes great. You can add nuts to salads ro cooked foods or eat them just plain or you can grind them up or chop them finely to make a flour to bake with as well. Unless you are allergic to them, nuts are a real health benefit I am realy glad you are researching Alaa and picking up information. I know you will share what you find and this is the way to help prevent some forms of diabetes. My best to you.

I heard you should eat a handful of nuts every day, especially almonds. Right now I love pumpkin seeds!

thanks for the vlaue reply , i really appreciated , but still I want to check that does it really decreases the percentage of being affected by diabetes as I cant find it logic ?!!

No, Nuts in and of themselves do not decrease the chances of having diabetes. But they can be part of a healthy lifestyle. And a healthy lifestyle can decrease the chances of having some diabetes, but not all.

Nobody can say what really “prevents” diabetes.

I was told by my doctor to eat a small amount of Walnuts every day

whawoo, so it sounds some how right , what I got that we have to balance every thing & we do have an arabic proverb confirms this :" what increses the limit turns to be its opposite " " el shi2 ely uezed 3n hado yet2elb dedwo"

Hi Alaa…I have heard that nuts, as well as coffee, reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes. I assume it is like exercise and weight control…if you are prone to it, certain things can help delay the onset. Once you have it, nuts won’t make it go away.

nuts are complex , they digest very slowly therefore they do not spike glucose , that leads to a slower and less severe rise in your glucose. They also have the benefit of helping to satiate you and help you to control diet better.

so that is the behind …
what about dates , it is common that dates is having the same way when digested it took time that leads to a slower and less severe rise in glucose , is this right

Dates are high in sugar and will usually kick my diabetic ■■■ all over the place. Try almonds. They taste great raw, roasted, salted, unsalted, basically in any state you can buy them. They are high in fiber, magnesium, and protein, and they will satisfy your hunger quickly.

I absolutely love dates more than any other sugar fix around. But they raise my blood sugar right away and keep it up there for quite a long time. If you enjoy dates I would not suggest eating them when you are hungry. I would suggest eating them when you are pretty full alrerady so that you don’t eat too many of them. They are absolutely lethal for my blood sugar.

Dates are loved in Arab world especially in Saudi Arabia.At schools there is a day for dates and laban ( greek liquid yougurt) for all kids to have as a snack.The dates are full of iron. But for diabetics it raise blood glucose. Our problem here in Saudi is date served with arabian coffee,the best habit for afternoon and gathering,when poeple are diabetics.

Hi Sohair,
Would it not be a benefit if on insulin to learn how to cover a date for it’s body benefit instead of skipping them? I don’t like them to sweet for me but I love dried prunes except you can’t eat many cause you will end up in the restroom. They have iron also which I need so I have learned how to cover them. I have learned to cover many fruits for there health benefits. I grow pomegranates, papaya, white nectarines and avocados in my small front yard and am planting tomatoes, garlic, peppers and strawberries in March. I want to still grow cherries and would like to work on a almond tree soon.

But the health benefit of no pesticides and fresh grown fruit I think are worth the effort of learning to cover them. Is there a risk to trying to cover these things that I am not aware of?

Be loved you are

especifically almonds, about 1oz a day which is about 9 almonds. my doctor reccomended since it doesn’t hurt. in trader joe’s you can get almond packs.

dates are fruits, not nuts. aren’t they?

I don’t know if eating nuts decreases the diabetes, but not eating sugar and flour definitely affects the success or failure of maintaining the blood readings in a diabetic. At least in did in me. I eat nuts to try to get a handle on high cholesterol readings. Right now, I am running into a conflict of information about cholesterol, blood sugar, salt (sodium), carbos and in some ways everything is getting mixed up and complicated. Depending on who you talk to and what you read…a war is going on and it is in each of us who have diabetes with other problems that must be worked through.

I didnt realize that dates can affect the sugar percentage that much , my dad cant live without dates soaccording to your comment I think this is the main reason for the high percentage ,how can I replace it

grapes don’t sound good… I noticed lower G-values when eating nuts; but my be it’s depends on other facts.