Took a pregnancy test today...positive!! First sign, waking up lowish(59-63) the last few days and staying relatively low throughout the day. Is this normal?
yup! :) and it will go up and then waaaayy back down and then waaaaayyyy up and then kind of even off and then drop away and then you'll have a baby :) Congratulations!
Thanks for the reply Kate. For some reason I expected it to go up right away so this was a surprise. Not looking forward to the ups and downs but I just got a pump a few months ago so at least it should be easier to control. And I am so looking forward to the end when I am holding my baby...eye on the prize!
I am at 32.5 weeks with #2 and I still have to remind myself to focus on the goal :) With my first pregnancy I didn't have any of the typical insulin resistance, but this time I am making up for it in spades - ha!
I LOVE my pump for pregnancy. I also really like the cgm as it helps me figure out trends versus one-off's and helps me nip the increasing insulin needs in the bud before they get out of control.
I got approved for a dexcom yesterday. I'm really looking forward to it. I've been wanting one for a while but I hadn't asked about getting one. Recently, it was more important because I didn't feel low when I was in the 50s since I've been pregnant. That scared me because I always felt low between 65 and 70. So I asked my doctor if we could check on coverage for a CGM...should've asked long ago but everything was taken care of very fast. It should be shipped the beginning of next week.
This was THE MOST helpful image to explain my 12-15 week lows and prepare me for the possible upcoming insulin changes!
Thank you Alice. I’ll be looking out for the additional lows that are coming.