So I have an 18 month old daughter and have been T1 for 27 years, no complications.
Did a pregger test this morning though never ever dreamed I might be pregnant as my period is always late, I did one just for the sake of it as it was a bit later than usual....and low and behold.
Shocked. Totally.
In fact I'm so shocked I can't remember whats ahead :0) Anyone remind me when I should start expecting 'the lows'. I'm on a pump and cgms now so reckon it'll be a lot easier this time around. Hopefully!
My HBA1c is isn't great but I'm not going to focus on that, I'm just going to focus on getting back on track and fast.
Anyone know any good books as well I could get for pregnancy and diabetes?
Well holy moly. I did not see this coming this morning when I got up. In fact, even though I am only 33 I was late was later than usual cos I was getting early menopause or something paranoid like that!!!