I've not had any errors, and honestly didn't get a weak sensor signal until yesterday, which was day 4 of the sensor.
I don't really consider the Weak Signal Alert an error. It's a basic design flaw.
It is just too easy to block communication between the transmitter & the pump. No doubt it's because of the apparently really low signal strength of the MiniLink transmitter. I expect Medtronic will try to improve this in the "Guardian™ 2 Link transmitter" used by the Minimed 640G, but that's only a speculation.
One plus is that the current MiniLink transmitter buffers the last 8 SGs (40 minutes). So if you move the pump next to the sensor when you get this alert, you shouldn't loose any data points if they reconnect "soon enough".
However, it's annoying to have to not only try to figure out where to insert the sensor but also try to think ahead about where you are going to wear the pump so that it will be "close enough" to the sensor site to have a meaningful conversation. <sigh/>
-irrational john
T1 LADA since ~1980, first pump: Minimed 507, currently Minimed 723 + CGM