I have sat here and read the recurring diatribe that has been going on here at Tu since this whole Paula Deen story broke. Now I may be sticking my neck out here and if I am Manny and Emily have the rights to remove this post and if they do so be it. I am a grownup and have learned that there are always folks out there who will not like my opinions. I have learned to get over it. I think there are some others who need to learn this lesson.
Like I said, I know I am going to ruffle a few feathers and probably add to all the craziness that has already taken place. But I have kept my tongue up until now and refuse to do it any longer, so here goes.
I don't care what type of D you got!
Sorry, I don't. All I really care about is that you have D and are dealing with your own form of hell from it. We each have our good days and our bad days. Each type has folks that work on their health and controlling D and those that do not. Folks it don't matter. We all have diabetes and personally, Manny and anyone else on the staff of this site can go and advocate for me as a diabetic and I don't care if they have my type.
Now I know that you have to be concerned about what kind of D you have. That helps specify treatment and gets you on the correct medication regime. It also helps so we can gather together and discuss the problems with each specific type as a group of individuals wth that same type D. I would not even join a group specifically for T1's because I am a T2. And if I did I certainly would not get after someone and tell them all the things they are doing wrong. My knowledge of T1 stops at insulin. I have that knowledge because I take the stuff.
But see we even break down into smaller groups. People who are brittle, people with frequent lows, people on this pump or this CGM, or on a certain insulin. Part of this is because we want information to help us deal with this disease. Another part of this is that we want to belong. We want to know that we aren't alone that there are others like us dealing with our problems.
But honest folks over the past couple of weeks there have been discussions on this site that make me think I walked into the middle of a political melee.
Stop it, please.
If you disagree with someones post, even this one, please feel free to comment and tell me. I am not saying that I am going to reply to each and every post. I will say that if a comment is respectful I WILL read it. Because I don't know everything about diabetes. But we can certainly discus and learn. Just keep the verbal daggers in their holsters.
Oh, and one more thing about whatever type of D you have, you are not going to be like anyone else with that type or with diabetes in general. Any more I prefer to call myself a Tme. I am a 'type me' diabetic. What works for me will probably not work for other people and vice versa. We are all different.
You want to see advocates for diabetes, let's start working together and advocate for the disease. I would be happy for every type 1 if there was a cure found today. I would still have D but I have a lot of friends on here that would no longer be a slave to this beast.
I could go on but I think I have made my point. The only way we win this fight is by fighting together not tearing each other down or being upset because a video was made for this webiste and my type of diabetic wasn't in it. It's about advocacy folks and it's advocacy for all.
Last point, I could care less if Paula Deen doesn't change her ways. Now that is harshly stated but I have enough trouble with my own A1c without trying to fix Paula's. I would like to see her change. I have a friend at work that I want to stop drinking. The only way change occurs is if the person wants to. Paula Deen or my friend the alcoholic.
So band together brothers and sisters for together we are strong and we can do it!!