External power source for TslimX2

Recently, it occurred to me that I should find out about possible external power sources for charging my TslimX2. I had let the power level drop to 25% (yeah, I know…not wise) and, as the electricity had blinked out a couple of times, I began to wonder, is there any external power source for charging things like an insulin pump. I am not technically inclined, but think there is some box-like thing that can be charged and hold the charge for some period of time. Sounds like a good idea of something to have…would just need to remember to keep it charged.

Any battery pack used for cell phones will do. They are available cheaply EVERYWHERE. I even found a few “lipstick” sized ones at the dollar store. We have an excess of them around here because my husband is a bit of an emergency prepper… And we love our plethora of electronics!

The only downside to these is you have to make a point of keeping them charged. Ours tend to wander away and get used, and every time we want one, we cann’t find a fully charged one.

If you really want to up your game, you might want to consider an emergency-style one that also takes solar power input. As a survivor of the great power outage of 2003 that hit the entire Eastern half of the US, this is always in the back of my head. I lived just outside of Cleveland and we had no power or water for 8 days. This one has four different ways to power up: USB input, batteries, solar, and a hand crank… Plus it’s a radio

If you’re looking for something a little more “set it and forget it”, we have four Memorex desk speakers around the house, that live plugged in so they’re always fully charged, and double as a battery bank. We’ve had then for years, so they might be a bit out-dated now, but they’ve been great. (Proving that they’re out-dated, I couldn’t find any online to post a link, but I would imagine many other desk speakers have power banks.)

The reality of it is, the t:slim x2 is really power efficient and has a tiny battery. Even my smallest dollar store battery packs will give 2-3 full charges, so ANY backup battery is better than none. The extras are up to you.

Edit: appologies to anyone who saw my original post because a weird, unintended link got put in.


I use an external battery pack for all of my t:slim X2 charging and never use the cord plugged into an outlet. The charger can go into a pocket and then I can move around the house or just sit and watch TV. There are all sorts of battery packs of difference sizes and prices. This is the one that I have used for over a year and I am still very happy with it. It also works well when traveling for my phone and iPad. When I am using it for only my pump, I can go well beyond a month before having to recharge it.

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Thank you to both Robyn_H and Laddie. I like both of these ideas. Probably I will get the small one for normal use as I like that I can put it in the pocket, etc. Also, the big one that does everything but cure cancer. I am going to be doing some disaster preparation work in the community, and think it is just a good thing to have. So, now to amazon prime.

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We like the big ones that hold 5 or 6 full charges. The little pocket ones have let us down in the past. They’re easily thrown in a purse but will cost more.

When one of my tslim pumps had top button failure I had to walk around with a small portable charger which somehow let me get into the menu to bolus etc. until they shipped a new one. It’s a good idea to have a larger prtable charger too. I always charge my pump when I shower so it never goes too low.

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You’re tip is excellent. I do the same and find the 15-20% “top off” keeps me out of trouble.

I charge while sitting at my laptop, so never have dropped to 0.

As a techie, I have 6 battery backups from credit card size and thickness of 6 credit cards, to a 28,500mAh beast that can charge an oversized phone 6+ times, a couple of laptops or a Tandem pump from 0 to 100% 15 times. On long car trips to San Diego or Las Vegas I will charge from my Roav car USB charger.

Straight from nearly 1,500 Tandem X2 users: Tandem Pump Users Share Charging Preferences

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Interesting circle graphs, I am all over the place. Have charging cord in car, at couch, from computer and by bed. Because of previous Animas pump, I have a stock of lithium batteries, hope to begin to remember to charge Tslim.

Another possible source of emergency power for your pump is a laptop computer, if you have one. My 2015 MacBook Air has a 5100 mAh battery, although actual battery capacity will diminish with age. I usually keep it plugged in at home so It’s more than likely topped off when the random power outage occurs.

As I don’t have a laptop computer, my best option is one of the battery charges suggested above. And, as the electricity in my small coastal village went out twice yesteday for several hours each time (PGE doesn’t know why), have ordered battery charge. Also going to re-up my supply of kerosene lamp oil.

Thanks, I’ll check those out😊

Check out the latest kits used to start cars. These are essentially large backup batteries for all sorts of electronic devices. Make sure they have at least one USB power out connector. The one I have used to start several cars has two plus an “octopus” cable that plugged into the battery’s USB and had 4 standard plugs, 1 each for old and new Apple iPhone/iPads plus 2 mini-plugs one of which fits the T-slim:x2. The battery capacity is 13600mAh which is the same as 13.6 Ah.

I have a larger one I use all the time for charging my Samsung Book.
It also works great for charging my pump, phone, whatever.
Anker PowerCore 268000 mah

I am considering getting this one for camping and extended outages. It is still sitting in my shopping cart being “considered”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Although at slightly over 9 pounds, it is not exactly pocket sized.
And I have to admit, probably it would be for phones and computers - lol. The Tandem uses such a small amount of power that whatever we have to power the phones and computers, the Tandem just takes a little tiny bit of that.

Amazon code: B0196GQAKM
120,000 mAh


= = = = =

For more portable situations, I like the reasonable sized Anker batteries as previously mentioned.

Anker makes an even smaller battery which is very nice for the Tandem. This one we have and carry with us. $20~$25 depending on color. (I like the Red - it stands out.) 5000 mAh. Less than 5 ounces.

Amazon code: B01N4WUT4I
