My son's been wearing the Dexcom platinum since Jan. He loves it. But we couldn't get it to stick for more than 2-4 days on his abdomen. We tried placing it last week in a new spot, his backside (as I can not talk him into arm for some reason.) Today is day 9 and it's still going strong. We put on skin tack, cover with Opsite Flexifix, IV 3000, and we've repaired the coverings (they all unpeel after a day or two) as needed. I have covered the sensor with IV 3000 and we've had no issues with accuracy. He's worn it to swim practice four times, it stayed on and has been working just fine! So if anyone has wondered how the backside works as a site option, it's working wonders for us so far!
Well done! Love the opsite flexifix. I'm sure I'm not nearly as active as your son is though lol
Glad to hear that you found a solution!
Yay, I am so happy you finally got it to stick to him. I know how frustrating it can be and I also know how great the information is. I have been extremely fortunate and use the Opsite flexifix and get a long time out of each sensor. I have never tried the back side for sensors, but after the saline trial pod on my arm, the next 2 pods have been put on my back side and have worked really well. So a sensor there might be in my future.
When you say “backside” where exactly do you mean? Like, upper, or off to the side kind of? I put my infusion sets on my kind of upper butt, love handles, but I worry about sitting on the transmitter, seems like it would be uncomfortable…
I would say upper/side of his "butt cheek" (sorry not sure how else to describe it! :)
Still on his buttocks but not in a place he would sit on it. So far, it's working out ten times better than stomach. However, all our sticky stuff (skin tac, flexifix, IV3000, etc.) still comes off rather easily. I just repair the area every other day by removing whatever is hanging off/coming undone, and placing new sticky stuff back on the sensor. Still haven't found ANYTHING that doesn't require repair every other day or so. But still happy to get a good 10 days or more out of one sensor, even with swimming a few times.
Dexcom only suggests that you wear them on your abdomen because that is how they were approved by the FDA>
I use mine behind my arms because that is clearly the best place, out of the way. and it doesn't move around like the belly can. The more stable it is the better,
Here is what I do and I get very good results.
find a spot that does not bend when you move, so upper abdomen, or hips-but area is good.
I clean the spot with skintac. then I put an IV300 down on the skin. Then I insert the sensor directly trough the IV3000. Then I cover it with another Iv3000 or other dressing.
THe IV3000 under the sensor tape and against the skin gives it better stability and prevents it from moving around.
This works for me.