So a little background info.
*diagnosed with diabetes at age 21.
*first doc thought it was type 2 and put me on Metformin.
*metformin did NOTHING.
*2nd doc said…“nope, its type 1, welcome to insulin.”
*I was put on Insulin, but I cant remember which ones exactly.
*Got pregnant at age 22, and miscarried at 10 weeks 3 days.
*got a new doctor (#3 if you’re keeping count) and he put me on Lantus and Amaryl.
*Got pregnant this June (age 24).
*doc took me off Amaryl and put me on Humalog, along with my lantus.
*miscarried this august 14th at 10 weeks 4 days.
*Finally got my ■■■ into the Endocrinologist.
So I finally went to see an endo yesterday. I know…kick my a$$ for stalling. What ever. Denial…anger…what ever. I was pissed for having diabetes…so I was punishing myself. Any who…he’s the best doctor I’ve ever had, and I cant believe I waited so long to see one. I just never did because I felt like I didnt need ANOTHER doctor sit around and tell me how ba dof a diabetic I am. I’m also tired of doctors telling me what to do and not explaining why or how. So here I’ve been for almost 4 years taking insulin and pills, and I STILL have an a1c of 8.3. Duh. I think that people have this steriotype that diabetics are overweight people that cant control what they eat…so they treat us like ■■■■. But my endo was great! He sat down and let me ask questions for a half an hour, and answered every single one. He also prescribed me the Lantus solostar pen, and the Apidra solostar pen. I love them already!! YAY. No more preping the syringes and all that mess. Plus I can take my Apidra with me, so I dont have to worry about being away from home for too long. I can also take it to work with me.