So I have a question for those of you who have little kids or children in general. What do you do when your Blood sugars are high and you try and try not to flip out at your kid(s)? I have a 22 month old who drives me up the wall…when my blood sugars are high sometimes i become a monster and yell at her for doing things that kids would do. What do you do? I remember growing up…(story time) I would always wonder why my dad would be so “PSYCHO” more like bipolar at times. I now understand that it wasn’t his fault…his high’s consumed or better yet clouded his thinking.
I don’t want to be labeled as the crazy *ahem I just need to learn how to cope in those times.
I don’t have children, but my husband bears the burnt of my impatient, irritable highs. I feel as if some crazed creature has taken over my body.
As soon as I sense the meanies creeping up, I tell myself over & over “you’re high, breathe deep, you’re in control, chill, it will pass.” I also think of the funniest thing I can. It helps to distract from the wanting to jump out of my skin feeling. This is weird, but I chew gum when I feel irritable & cranky, Maybe it gives my mouth something to do other than say something I’ll regret:) I’ve also punched pillows when deep breathing & my mantra doesn’t work!
Of course, the best strategy is do whatever it takes to avoid highs to begin with. Easier said than done, but worth it.
Like Gerri I don’t have kids either and in no way could I see myself handling it. I live with my folks and unfortunately they hear all my yelling and screaming. What I find interesting is many diabetics I’ve spoken to don’t feel the highs including my father. I am not sure how that is possible but I’ve spoken to quite a few. Many mentioned they may feel a little tired or lack of energy but that is about it. I’ve been known to be wicked irritable at levels slightly nugging 100 at a premeal level. They are clearly Bi-polar type symtoms. Almost psychotic. I flip out often.