Food Police at Easter

Here we go again. Candy everywhere. Even as a kid I rarely ate candy. Here’s my issue: I have had D for 29 years and in my mid fifties. All my friends and family know it and it’s not an issue or topic of discussion anymore. Except for one person, good ol mom. Every time I greet her the first words out of her mouth is “how’s your feet, what’s your sugar, you eating OK?”. This happens EVERY time I see her regardless of the occasion. Pleading with her to stop this interrigation falls on deaf ears. I don’t know how to stop this. The sad part is that she is obese, with poor eyesight, and Type 2! I checked her BG meter (sue me) on the table and found out she used it three times last month. I’m tired at my age being a topic of discussion at the dinner table. Maybe I should skip a few family gatherings for a while. How can I send a message to her without being a $#*%#?

Hi mom,

I’ll tell you my BG if you tell me yours!

But seriously…

I know your pain. My mom is the same way. Everyone else knows the drills and more-or-less ignores my diabetes, but she’s always got to be-in-the-know.

I’d suggest checking out They’ve had various pieces on diabetes ettiquette.

And then there’s this:

Cheers, Mike