Friday Feedback

How often do you get your A1C checked?

My PCP will only do it every 6 months, but I buy the at home test to do three months inbetween. However, since my kidney improvement, my nephrologist said he'd order one whenever I wanted (dear sweet man).

Every 3 months. Doc was ok w/ every 6 months but decided I was high maintenance after I had a 5.0 concurrently with a severe hypo during which the EMTs noted an irregular heart rate. I passed the first round of (expen$ive) cardiac tests, the doc recommended more f/u w/ a cardiologist so I read a heart book and asked her if the hypo might have led to the heart rate and she said "maybe..." so I passed on more tests. You are welcome blue cross. I guess she figures she needs to keep an eye on me or whatever although I had a really busy day the day of the hypo and well, whatever.

Your nephrologist rocks. What do you think of the point-of-care (home) A1C thingies? Which one do you use and do you think it's accurate?

Are you ok with every 3 months, or do you want to go back to 6 months?

Right now (these things change overnight) I have a standing order for tests to be given every three-four months that include the A1c. Next week I'll get the good/bad news... Without the standing order test I would use the o/c test, just to satisfy my own curiosity.

I get mine checked every 3 months myself and happy with it. It kinda helps me along kinda knowing where I'm at with the A1C. Better than when I first became diabetic and they never heard of an A1C at that time.

I sort of like knowing that it's ok but, at the same time, they are sort of "unproductive" visits because I am on top of things. After the hypo/cardio freakout incident, they were like "turn your basal down" and I was like "I already did...". I also emailed them the password to my Garmin when they were like "what's up with all the 40s all the time..." as last summer, when I was doing long training runs every weekend (towards the end, the "short" runs were like 12 miles (vs the 20 mile "long runs...) and the CGM would read in the 40s for hours afterwards, although I was metering in the 70-80s (and eating lots...heh heh heh...) which always alarms them but they seemed to back off so maybe they are monitoring that too?

I like getting patted on the head. Nobody else I know "IRL" goes "you are doing great!" and all that too. The best ever was in August last year when junior had to come with me as her 7th grade physical was right after my endo so I dragged her along ("the doctor will yell at me...") and she said "you are losing weight, are you trying?" and I said "well, I'd like to race as lightly as possible...easier on my knees...and the charts say I could weigh 10 lbs less..." and she said "you've got a lot of muscle, you don't need to lose any weight...". I dunno if it's worth $200 to Blue Cross or not but I'd have paid out of pocket for that!

I use the Bayer A1C Now which I buy at CVS - two test for around $25.
I guess they're accurate, but because of the cost I don't want to do one on a lab day just to compare results.
I remember buying a kit 3 years ago when they first came out. I wasted the first test because I didn't bother reading the directions, and the second one because I only half read the directions. Duh.....
But, in addition to my A1C, I also judge my control by my meter average, standard deviation, and how I feel.

6 Times a year, 4 with the Endo and two with the wellness center thru my employer.