From JOHNBEN the painter

Like to say that I’m still alive and keeping my diabetes under some kind of control. This is to say that on some days it all looks fine but the next day not so. Are there any others experiencing the same?
I hope I’m not the only one?


You are doing great JB! Nice to see you around! LOL.


Yes, my car conked out last week end and to combat the stress I was eating little slices of a frosted cinnamon roll tonight. Long story short, I just finished the whole thing, and it must have about 10000 carbs. Now I feel very guilty.

Thank you Kathyann


I’m treating my low-ish blood sugar with protein at the moment. Then again, I’m not a diabetic. I trend toward hypoglycemia and my husband it T1. If only I could share my extra insulin! Glad you are doing well! Do you have any more paintings to share?

Yes Cason but I would like to wait for a real good one.


You’re never alone, Johnben. We all have days and sometimes weeks as you described.

Sounds just like me. I’m at my 40 year anniversary now. Keep on keepin’ on.

Indeed, I wouldn’t like to be the only one eh?
6 days to becoming 80 years old. Hope to make it. Why do I say this, well last night I had much chest pain but not the attack type. Scared me though! My pacemaker must have worked overtime! I’m still here!