My computer widow Johanna wants me to paint her some more watercolor paintings of which she has two hanging in the living room now.Yes, I like these two very much also. Many ended up in the garbage bin but if I don’t like the results out they go. So I may be back from time to time…maybe! I’m a bit tired of the whole computer thing.
So, entertain each other and stick to glucose control like your life depends on it! LOL. Have fun, you won’t miss me!
LOL JohnBen!! Of course, we’ll miss you. I wouldn’t mind seeing some of your paintings. I bet my paints are all dried up by now. Anyways, it’s Good to take a break once in a while. Enjoy yourself and see Ya soon.
We will miss you! Enjoy your time painting.
Enjoy the painting Johnben! Don’t forget about us and come back when you can!
Thank you all. Have paint on my fingers…
Johnben, take some pics of your work and post them on tuDiabetes!
I look forward to seeing them.
Have fun Johnben =) We will be here when you decide to come back. And we will miss you!
My older face is showing in “Photos.” plus 2 paintings.