Okay so I just need to vent to the only people I feel would understand… I feel as if diabetes is controlling my ENTIRE life! I’m not controlling it, it’s controlling me!! My entire day is revolved around when I am going to eat, what I can’t eat, my sugar is high so I have to wait and eat, I have to sit at restaurants and watch my family eat because theres nothing there I can eat or my sugar is too high to eat anything else that day, I must run to the bike or treadmill everytime I eat a friggin carb, I must wake up early so I can fight the dawn phenomenon and eat breakfast as early as possible, I must drool over food that this time last year I woofed down!!! How do you keep tight control without letting diabetes control everything you do!? If I do not do these things then I do not have good blood sugars! I am overwhelmed, angry, and EXHAUSTED! Anyone else feel me?
Seriously, we all that are proactive, are generally too much for the Endos to handle. I notice if you start to take control of your D, Endos usually make comments like “super patient,” “Advanced understanding” or “over achiever.” But, really this disease takes a certain amount of investment to manage and sometimes (most of the time) its really hard to do that. Especially in the case of an Endo not giving us what we feel we need for good control. So kudos for fighting the good fight. =^)
You might open your conversation with “I checked my sugar in the parking lot before I came in and it’s 300 or whatever” As long as your meal met the ADA requirement of 60 grams (I think that’s what they recommend) and you demonstrated you carefully counted the carbs, he would have to acknowledge your worsening condition. You are following the accepted protocol after all.
In another part of this thread a request for a glucose tolerance test was suggested. Unfortunately, they are mutually exclusive and you’ll have to pick one or the other.
I second or 42nd everyone’s comment on starting insulin or at least looking into other treatment options. I can’t possibly workout after every carb, hence my insulin. It’ll still be work but your current regimen is nonsensical. Let us know if you make any headway with your endo.
At my latest appointment, my endo introduced me to his visiting colleague as his “High Tech” patient, then they spent 10 minutes playing with all my toys (Dex Receiver, Omnipod PDM, and iPhone App). Amusing.
That would be me! I usually at any given time have my Ping, Ping Remote, OneTouch UltraMini, the Precision Xtra Ketone meter, my laptop, a blackberry, and an iPhone. I don’t think my endo knows what to do when I walk in.
Thanks I def will!
lol too funny! that’ll be me in the near future but hey theres no such thing as taking too much care of your diabetes!!
My wife calls me her bionic man with all my attachments and “ports” lol.
Lil Mama, just make sure you dont burn out. D (as you know) is like a full time job with kids to take care of. Super expensive, time consuming, and ultra demanding!
If he won’t give you an OGTT, just give on to yourself, record the numbers and make him look at it. It is really easy, just get a normal fasting (70-120 mg/dl), ingest 75g of fast acting carbs and record your blood sugar every thirty minutes. You can read about my self test during a honeymoon here.
Lil Mama
The first endo I saw said :" You don’t want to touch that sh it with a ten foot pole." Really stupid advice. A bit of insulin in the begginig can keep you own pancreas alive for longer.
It also is not a good idea to talk about it on a message board with a picture of yourself!!
Insurers are scouring social media for evidence of fraud
"If someone receiving disability benefits for a bad back brags on Facebook or Twitter about finishing a marathon, chances are their insurance company will find out and stop the checks"
True, didn’t think about that! But I have real proof for my endo so I think we are all good.
No, I don’t think “fudging” is a good idea. You need an honest relationship with your doc. I DO think delaying your exercising is a good idea, and you might experiment with NOT exercising – see if your BGs come down before the next meal if you don’t exercise. If they don’t, that would be a good way to convince your doc that you need insulin.
I forgot – did you have antibody testing? If the doc thinks you are a Type 2, then he is more likely to try orals, which are a bad idea for a LADA.
I know this is a struggle for you – just wish I could do something about it!
What they mainly look at is whether your BGs come down by themselves after eating, not how high they go. Your exercising is bringing down your PP BGs, and that’s what your doc is seeing, never mind how you got there. That is why I suggested dropping the exercise for a while.
I KNOW you don’t like being high, but it seems you have no choice here – it’s suffer for a little while with high BGs, or go on as you are, which is suffering too. You are NOT in a pretty situation!
It is unlikely that you would go into a life-threateningly high BG crisis, since you are obviously still making insulin. (Otherwise you wouldn’t be coming down after exercise and waking up in the normal range). If you are still making insulin, you wouldn’t go into DKA for a long time, if ever, and it takes months to go into HHS (Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome) which is the corresponding Type 2 coma. A one-time high of 300 or 400 or 500 is NOT life-threatening, although it is uncomfortable, and does need to be brought down. If you are still making insulin, you can get it down by drinking a lot of water, and flushing the glucose out of your system.
I strongly agree with bsc about biting the bullet for a short time and proving to your doc that you need treatment. What you are doing now is following an extreme form of the diet and exercise plan, which is actually controlling your diabetes to some extent. It’s just that you shouldn’t need to be so extreme.
INTERESTING! I don’t think I would bother doing it myself, because I already know I have exactly no 1st phase insulin response, and a very limited 2nd phase response. But I think an experiment like this might be valuable for pre-diabetics and early stage Type 2’s.
I seriously object to the medical establishment’s dropping of the OGTT as a diagnostic tool, and relying only on the A1c for reasons I’ve previously stated. Yes, an OGTT is more of a nuisance, but it gives a definitive diagnosis based on real BGs, not estimated BGs like the A1c shows. And it will reveal a person with impaired glucose tolerance or actual diabetes, who may have normal fasting BGs, like LiL MaMa.
Thanks for all of the advice Nat, and yes I did have an islet antibody test which was negative but from what I have read a lot of ppls islet antibody tests came back negative and their GAD came back positive so I am going to push for a GAD. He has acknowledged that my c-peptide is much lower than he would like for it to be and that he would put me in the LADA category.
I REFUSE to go on orals I hate taking medication and I don’t need it I am insulin deficient I need INSULIN NOT medication and if he refuses my plan I have for starting baby doses of insulin one meal a day then increasing then I will totally rebel and eat an ADA diet and not exercise or I will demand a new doctor!!
My blood glucose is 240 and I tested positive for ketones but only a “small” amount (15) is this anything to worry about?? Or only when you have high ketones?