So, I received a “replace transmitter soon” warning a few days ago, and didn’t freak because that always gives you some time to get it done. Plus I know it’s an artificial software limit, and if you have xDrip you can keep it going for weeks. Well… No. Woke up this a.m. to a “Your transmitter is dead” message, and when I switched over to xDrip it told me… “Your transmitter is dead.”
Fortunately I already received my next replacement, so I wasn’t, as they say, SOL. But dang it, I just started a sensor session like three days ago and really didn’t want to have to pull it out and use another. So I gave it a bit of a try, but my wife’s out of town, and despite various contortions in the bathroom mirror I couldn’t manage the feat of single-handed back-of-the-arm transmitter removal on my own, and I ended up yanking it all out and starting afresh anyway.
So this is all a little theoretical, but I thought I’d ask anyway: has one of you clever, experienced Dexcom mavens ever swapped in a new transmitter without pulling the current sensor? Is it even possible?