I have been experiencing gastroparesis symptoms again. This condition is brutal. I have been a diabetic for 39 years. I have been doing the deep breathing and eating small easily digestible foods only this time I have been experiencing my lips and tongue are sensitive to certain flavors. So far the nausea has let up. Mint gum is my favorite and I wasn’t able to chew it because I was burning my tongue and insides of my mouth. It’s been about 4 days since all this happened a now I am able to hew small pieces. Has anyone had this happen to their mouth and what did you do to relieve it?
Not to me, but I think stuff like this happens to people in chemo sometimes. This sucks, Dee. You just can’t catch a break from all this crap.
Yes it does. I have been crying constantly because what scares me is that this is the way my life is going to be permanently. It scares the living out of me. Everytime so far I was able to turn things around. Today is day 5. I increased my domperidone and I am eating small digestible meals. The nausea comes and goes. I don’t understand it as according to my TIR I am in the 90 almost everyday. I thought I was doing well. I guess not. I have been praying that I can get better. This condition sucks big time!
You know that physiology is kinda cyclic - stuff ebbs and flows.
Your certain its gasteoparesis? Are you able to keep fluids down? If not, you can always go into the ER for an IV.
Getting dehydrated only makes nausea worse, as we diabetics know well. Hang in there, Dee.
Thankyou for your kind words! I was taking Rabperzole from the 8th of Aug to the 15th. It wasn’t doing its job. I talked to my doctor about switching me to pantoprozole as I used it before and it worked. He said he gave me Rabperzole because there are less side effects. At that point I didn’t care! I just wanted relief. I was desperate to get relief so my hubby and I went to went to the Drug Store to pick up some Pepcid. My husband convinced me to try it. I had checked the side effects and if it interacted with my meds that I take. I was a little scared of taking it but I did anyway. That night I had slept a full night except for drinking water without choking on acid. Am I ever glad I took it. I am still doing well. My gastro is mild as the only symptom I have is that my stomach empties slowly but my sugar rises within 15 min. I watch my cgm graph. I have no bloating nor have I vomitted. I guess I am fortunate.
I saw my doctor yesterday. He suggested taking Pepcid and Rabperzole together in am and supper. He has me on a waiting list for a scope to see what’s going in there. I have read that ppis can take 2 - 4 weeks to become effective. You’re right it is extremely frustrating and very uncomfortable with the acid spilling into my mouth. I constantly chew gum to try to dilute the acid. Sleeping is difficult and because I don’t have enough saliva from the acid everything is difficult to eat. I sure hope something positive will happen soon.