I started having gastroparesis symptoms again on the 8th of June. I didn’t know why my stomach was hurting. My bloodsugars have been on the low side as automode doesn’t seem to be working very well. I am going to increase my domperidom and eat small amounts of food more often throughout the day. I want to get control of this as I don’t like feeling like this. The last time I had gastro symptoms was August of last year.
Sorry you are having symptoms again, I hope you feel better soon. Have you tried grinding up food etc? That helped me with my episode a few years back. Ultimately what help me the most was eliminating all grains from my diet not just gluten.
I have had bouts of it sporadically but usually it’s from medication. Aspirin is the worst. If you take alka seltzer it has aspirin. Usually if I have symptoms, I stop taking all oral meds esp the meds for stomach issues and it clears up.
I have heartburn sometimes and taking tums takes care of it.
Anything else makes it worse.
Have you tried the low FODMAPS diet for IBS. Have a google, some find it works well for gastroparesis symptoms too.
In my opinion gastroparesis is one of the easier complications to fix. I am starting to feel a little bit better since increasing my domperidom. I started taking an extra pill on Thurs and I took one before each meal yesterday. It seems that it doesn’t take long to get into your system.
I have been on 2 domperidone tablets eating soft foods and not getting any relief. I haven’t been sleeping
and my husband is no help. Can domperidone stop working? I am really exhausted please help!
I found that the meds that treat it can actually have an opposite effect.
I think the best way to go forward is to fast, then add only small meals but more often.
Try eating things that will help move things along like coffee and prune juice.
Like I said in an earlier post, I don’t really suffer from this, but only have had fleeting symptoms from heartburn meds.
When I drink coffee, it’s like magic but I don’t know if that works for everyone.
A post here mentions the use of a new drug Motegrity for gastroparesis. Might be worth asking about if your having issues.
I have found that when I have a Gastro attack nausea meds can not stop the nausea, only thing that does is when my stomach is empty after throwing up enough. I have found gummi bears are not terrible to revisit so to speak. The motegrity has been a huge help though.
The domperidone doesnt seem to be working. When my sugar goes up to 8mmol after eating I get bad stomach pain and feel nauseous until I walk it down. Normally I can get control but it has been a week and 3 days that I have been feeling like this. I haven’t lost any weight yet. I am 5ft and 83 pounds. I really don’t know what else my doctor can do for me. With the way I feel right now it wouldn’t matter if I were to perish. I and very afraid to put any carbs in my mouth.