I'm impressed and good for you. Hope you are doing well. I'm do back for a check-up, first since my diagnosis. I avoided the dentist for seven years and went back and had 3 crowns and deep cleaning because of gum problems. I asked and paid to be put under. So glad I did. Interesting to learn about gum infection is the impact it may have on blood sugar. I have to have another crown and more cleaning again. Been braver with the cleaning but really afraid of the crown. I can't believe how easily my gums become inflamed now. Is it againg 64, or diabetes, or both?
I suspect it's a combination of both. My wisdom teeth came in perfectly when I was about 20, and I was never prone to gum disease until after I got diabetes.
So after Wed and Thurs not being able to get my BGs UP, now I can't get them DOWN! I've been running in the high 200's low 300's all day today and yesterday, and when I correct, they go down a little bit, and then zoom right back up again. I think my body finally woke up and decided that maybe something DID happen, after all, and it better start showing me it knows what to do. Huh!!
Just to bring things back into perspective: After 2 days of doing absolutely nothing (and me thinking whew! home safe!), today my body decided to wake up, figured out that maybe something HAD happened, and tried to decide what to do about it!
The lowest part was 108, quite acceptable, but the high was 357. Then it decided to go down to 146, and immediately changed its mind and went up to 375 (not shown on picture, because it's still going up with 2 arrows). And it's 9 PM and I haven't had anything to eat since 1 PM. So I think I'm going to change my set and take a shot, but don't you think this is a TRIFLE ridiculous???? With my luck, I'll plunge myself into a low, but at the moment, I'm sort of nauseated, and that's a good reason to change my set as well. No one ever said this would be easy, did they???? And they never mentioned that I have diabetes, either, did they????