Never dealt with this before -- dental work

In the next week, Iwill have to have a tooth pulled....the last time I had to do this the results with my diabetes weren't fun. My numbers went up because of the stress and of course pre-extraction infection..the I couldn't eat much so lived on protein shakes, yogurt and cottage cheese for about three - four days. So since this tooth already hurts, and there is little of the tooth left to fill, I know we are going to do this again. UGH! So as a type II, on Janumet and Amaryl, I am looking for some ideas and suggestions to make it go a little easier this time. Please be gentle and kind....

Consider adding pureed vegetable soups or gazpacho to the possible post-op menu. (Any soup can be put through a blender!) If you don't cook, run by a good grocery the day before the extraction & select a couple options to have on hand.
If your numbers go up for a few days, it's not the end of the world. If you usually have good control, it shouldn't matter. Hang in there!

First I am T1 and on an insulin pump, which gives me an advantage in situations like this...

How high did your glucose readings go the last time? If there are not through the roof, and it is only a few days, I would just ride with it. My endo has sick day rules and it discusses oral meds. Makes sense. Its only a few days, so I would just ride through it; the more you stress about readings the higher they might go!

Best wishes.