Going off the pump

I have been on the pump for a long time and i am getting tired of it. i have bad control now keep getting bad sites and everything. I know lots of people say i am crazy is there anyone else that just wants to be done from it for a while and be free to do what you want with out worring about it ie i live on a lake and we spend alot of time in the water.

I've been on a pump off and on for 13 years. I have taken a "pump vacation" several times over the years, and I think it has been really good for me. Sometimes I think you just get sick of being tethered to something. For me, personally, I get the best diabetes control using a pump, but sometimes I need a break from it for mental health and peace of mind. I'll be off it for awhile, and then I usually go back to it, just because I get the best results from pumping, but I think the break rejuvenates me. I think I've been on the pump more than I've been off, but even a break for a few weeks or months is really helpful sometimes. Hopefully that gives you some perspective about things. Good luck figuring out what you want to do!

Do you have a solid plan to improve your control without a pump? I am pretty jolly with mine but occasionally run into highs with sites and have to switch for a while, and it still bugs me not to use my favorite spots or a month. The big advantage to the pump for me is as much that it keeps track of stuff in one place for me. I like this aspect of it a lot as I am a total slacker and have been able to figure out how to do well with diabetes without having to take notes, etc.

Funny, I decided to log on tonight just for the same reason. I am going off my pump as of Monday. I have been on it for a little over two years and just am fed up. I have been getting a lot of highs, and my sites are very limited. I can’t use my legs or arms, and me belly is getting tired of sites. I am at the point now that I have to change my sets almost on a daily basis because they hurt so bad. I have been going back and forth from thinking about switching to mdi, but after tonight, having a site bleed out for almost five minutes, I have made my decision. I wish you the best of luck and I will keep you posted on how I do.

I just started pumping in May after 38 years of MDI. My control is as good as it has ever been and tonight I played an hour and a half of racquetball without worrying about going low, something I could never do with MDI. I chose an omnipod pump because I did not want to be tethered and I swim just about every day so I could not afford to have a pump that was not waterproof. No matter what method you use to take insulin it is a lot of work from figuring out how much to take to working out how much less to take during exercise. I would not give up the freedom I have with this pump but like I said it has only been a couple of months, my opinion may change eventually.

I think diabetes is monotonous. I say whatever helps you shake the D-doldrums is worth it. Take a pump break for an hour, a day, a year, the rest of your life - I think you are only 'crazy' if you try to live your life by other people's standards. Do whatever you need to do to get the control you want.

ps. I took a 8 year pump hiatus and it was the best decision for me!