Happy day!

so today was the day that i got to see my doctor. i was hoping that the news i got was going to be a lot better than it was, but i’m really happy with the results of my blood work.

my HDL count was 32 that means i brought it up two points from my last test. i was a little pissed off considering all the hard exercise that i did. so there has to be something else that i can do on top of me exercising like crazy. my doctor did ask me to start taking a baby aspirin a day which i think i’
ll start doing cause it can do nothing but good. i hope.

my A1C is still at 5.9 and i even brought my overall cholesterol levels down a bit and my bad cholesterol which was also good to hear him say that i lost two pounds from my last visit. i have to admit that he did make me really happy to hear that he was really proud of all that i have accomplished in such a short time.

one of the things that i have to say i was proud of was his courage to tell me that he had double bypass surgery a while back ago. he made it clear to me that he didn’t want me to experience the same thing that he had to, that way he’s been putting so much pressure on me to bring my HDL up. he went as far to show me his scar from his surgery, i have to say that really scared the crap out of me. all i could think about was me in a hospital bed with a bunch of people staring down at me with surgical masks. i was close to breaking down and crying.

one of the things that i was afraid of was that he was going to put me on another medication and i was hell bent on not taking it if he was. well i’m proud to say that i didn’t have to talk him out of writing the prescription he said that he would give me another month to bring up my HDL.

i know i have a lot of work a head of me and i think with some extra help from some omega-3 foods i can do it.

Well done!! Sounds like you have a great doctor to work with! Keep us posted on how you are doing!

Hey There: :slight_smile:

Way to go!! Ya, most Important things in Life, are a lot of work usually. Your Dr. has Good reason to be proud of you. He sounds like a Terrific Guy. That was Very personal of him to share his scars and story. He must think a lot of you and Really wants you to succeed. We are Proud of you also.

Staying at a Good weight, long-term regular exercise(you don’t have to kill yourself), Omega-3(I do cod-liver oil, flax seed, olive oil plus a handful of walnuts and/or almonds usually daily, etc. work Great for me. Fatty fish a couple times a week is supposed to be Good also BUT I don’t like fish particularly.

Keep up your Good work and it will pay off for you.

I just sent you a message asking about your results, I didn’t notice that you had posted them already…Congratulations on your improvement! Even if it’s just a few points better, that’s still good, and the best thing is that is not getting worse…good job! I have been doing the same, working hard for a few points…it’s working! I have been reading about ways to improve your good cholesterol HDL and I’ve read about eating avocado, omega-3 supplements. I’ve also read about improving your total cholesterol with pistachios and fruits with fiber like apples and pears. My doctor mentioned All-bran and walnuts and he gave me a copy of a research done with patients eating walnuts. I keep all these in my kitchen and I eat them as a snack…It’s working I guess, plus I buy everything low fat. I hope we can do better next time. Take care and congratulations! I know how difficult it is to improve even a little bit.

i understand what you mean about wanting to change your DR. i just started asking my DR lots of questions i figured i would take up his time if i was dropping $20 a visit. is there anything that you can think of that you can do differently that would help your DR’s visit be more helpful to you? as you read all my levels are at the same which i’m really happy about i would like to bring my A1C a little lower just for the heck of it but my #1 goal is to bring up the happy cholesterol up in 5 weeks. you have to bring yours up to 60? that’s f’ed up! what are you doing to help that?