Happy New Year to all my TuD friends! And maybe it be shiny too!

Wow, what a year it has been - definately NOT one of my best and in all honestly, THE worst year I have ever had (so far). Why? Because this was the year I found out I had D. Feb 26, 2010 to be exact (never will forget that date!).

I think back on the month of March and what a WREAK I was - I am sure I might chuckle if I read my thread posts on here from back than. Some of you might remember. I think the first one was entitled something like "I am SOOO scared." Wow. I feel like a wimp looking back on that but now that I am 10 months "experienced" - I do not blame myself. It WAS scarey.

Thankfully I found this place. Because we all know doctors are of NO help. I often wonder how I would be doing if I didn't find this forum. How helpful everyone is - I would have never figured out the diet part if it weren't for all you on here and I don't know if I would have ever found humor in this.

So to all my friend here who I owe so much in helping me get through this tough year - Happy New Year (a day early for some) and I wish all the best for all of you. No matter what you wish or dream I hope your dreams come true in 2011!

Here is KimKats fave New Years Song (LOL!):

Happy New Year! May 2011 bring Peace and Cures.