Heat and the pump

Can anyone tell me about being in the sun - for 6 or more hours sailing with the pump. Should it be covered ? I have learnt with the Navigator to use a cut off sock - works well and stops sunburn !!

My son does this all the time… infact he is sailing now… has not had any trouble with the pods or the insulin in the pods…how ever… the PDM must be kept cool… he has had some scares where it over heats… but has come back on once it cools down.

So would you say keep it wrapped or just out of the sun ?

Sorry - you are talking about the PDM !! What about the pump ?

He hasn’t done anything different for the pump and has been in some extremely hot days…
He is off sailing now and it is very hot and tomorrow will be worse… I will let you know if it has any troubles…

We are in Texas and our ave. temps for the end of June & 1st of July were 110! Crazy Hot. My son’s bgs have not been good this summer and his A1C was up quite a bit. Our endo said a lot of his pt. have been the same. He told us we may need to change pods a little more often than the 3 days if he’s outside a lot . We’ve had temps over a 100 everyday for most of the summer and no rain since September of last year. Ugghhh!

I would love to know if it has affected his levels. i am off on Wednesday to Tobago with the troops - cant be caught short !!

My son was just in Tucson for volleyball and in the 10 days he was there he had 4 occlusions. I was told it could have been due to the heat and we should have changed the pod more frequently.

I spent last week in the Outer Banks of NC. Had the pod mounted on inside of upper leg. Bathing suit shorts covered the pod from sun (I’m NOT a “Speedo” wearer!) Anyway, after being in the sun for a while, I noticed that my Humalog in the pod seemed to work a lot slower, meaning I had to bolus much earlier (1.5 hrs) v.s normally I bolus 30 minutes before to be effective. I found this out, when my bg hit the roof even though I followed normal protocol. Seeing this, I did another bolus to bring me back to normal. Even with the second bolus, it took a while to drop down. I started early blousing and that, along with an increase in units (increase might have just been from different eating on vaca?) I stayed more in control. One thing to consider with the pods and sun exposure: If it’s 90 deg out, and the sun is shining on something, that item will get much hotter than 90, if left unshielded. I kept the PDM and Dexcom in the cooler just because it was convenient to carry them that way.

I’m just starting out with Omnipod myself, and have been wondering about heat. How about soaking in a really hot bath for 20 or 30 minutes? Still doable? (assuming the pod is submerged)

It works in heat - i have been cycling in Tobago. No probs. Just sweat and the Pod falling off - used gaffer tap. but no issues with PDM or pump

I’ve been on it a year and had no problems with adhesive until this summer. Wearing the pod on my thigh and being in the swimming pool too long caused the adhesive to fail quickly. I had to strap it down with different tape to keep it on for three days. Haven’t tried the hot bath since going on the pod, only showers, but if you submerge it I would be prepared to use something else to keep it applied to the leg.

Only had one instance where the insulin seemed not to be working due to heat. Temp was high 90s and I was on tennis courts or concrete surface for 5 hours and court temp was over 100. Could not get BG down and just changed pod when I went home.

So still trying to work out the “stick ability” of the pod and the heat range. Tobago was fine bar one day where I went sky high and therefore changed pods. Having now just got back from Wales cycling (For those who dont know Wales - it rains alot and its not that warm !!) my problem was trying to get the pods to stay on for 3 days. I reckon it must have been the “AfterSun” cream coming out after my holiday !! Still havent found anything other than tubigrip to keep them from moving and pinching !

The pump can take a lot of heat. The PDM on the other hand will throw a temperature error if it goes over 105F or so and won’t let you use the BG readings as a bolus calculation due to the inaccuracy of the meter. The PDM does need to be kept cool.

That makes sense - I have had that issue

Sounds like me! I live in South Texas near South Padre Island. 2 days ago I started this Pod at 0.05 units per hour and this morning I am at 2.05 units per hour and my bg is 97. I have used as many as 3.5 units per hour. I guess I will change every 2 days til this heat wave subsides.


Have you tried Skin Tac? I don’t generally use it on pods but I always use it on Dexcom sensors. They recommend applying it to the skin, but I “paint” it on the Dexcom sensor pad before applying it, avoiding the needle probe area. That way, none of the glue gets on the probe. I’ve yet to have one come off. A couple of weeks ago, I had a pod starting to come loose and I saved it by using a q-tip dipped in the Skin Tac then applied it to the space under the pod. I did this early enough before the canula dislodged.