Well, I had a little uptick in weight – back up from 146 to 149/150. But I think that’s part of life – it isn’t a flat curve, and will go up and down. Just as long as the major trend is down.
I have a cold today – miserable, and drinking milk tea all day, just to soothe my throat. So I’ve had 100g of carbs today, which is more than usual. I’m hoping it will be a short cold (mine usually last 24 hours, but you never know), because I have a bunch of appointments this week that I don’t want to cancel.
Aren’t you glad you can’t catch my cold over the internet? LOL!
So people what progress have you been making? Its not just about loosing weight it is also about developing some good habits. so what things have changed in your routine?
I know I haven’t been keep this up like I should. I am struggling again with unemployment. I am actually enjoying being unemployed since it has allowed me to finally get several projects finished. I don’t want to rush back into the employment status but I know I should start putting irons in the fire. I have been doing a weekend warrior type boot camp. and I am have been doing the Jackie Warner workout videos. These are not for the faint at heart either. I haven’t been as diligent as I should be. I dont think at this moment I have lost any weight right now but I still have it on my mind.
Well, I’ve been stuck at 145 for the last several weeks. I think it’s my body taking a rest. I’m content to stay there for a while, as long as it doesn’t start going up again! It’s only 5 lb. above my first goal of 140, so I’m not going to obsess about it. I figure I’ll start losing again when my body is ready.
You hang in there, Christalyn – I hope a new job turns up soon!
Thought I would check in with folks. I have been doing bootcamp on the weekends and we had weigh in this past saturday. I didn’t loose a thing. Of course this upsets me. I was rather depressed for the whole work out session. Then we did this obstacle course. I got the 3rd fastest time but the recovery from it was horrible. I was coughing and wheezing so bad that people kept asking me if I had asma. My voice was hoarse for the whole day. People were telling that it was my lungs trying to open up.
Like I said I felt very depressed. I felt like I failed. This body that I have had since birth does not want to cooperate with me even when I try to do the right things. Is there any way of satisfying an inconsolable body? So I ate chicken wings, cake and red wine for most of the day. I did take a large dose of insulin (for myself) and never checked my BS all day.
Interesting to note…my girlfriend asked me to go to a house party for a friend of hers. While at the beautiful old spanish style villa on a curving mountain we both met Kathy Naijmy. She was the cutest thing with a lovely voice.
Now I am trying to put myself back together. And I am trying to rebuild my self esteem. Not having a support group doesn’t help. I am even considering lap band surgery. I am beginning to wonder can my body bounce back to how it was 2 years ago.
Unfortunately, our bodies are not machines, and are constantly changing. Could be the course was too hard for the condition your body is in at the moment. But that doesn’t mean you can’t change, but maybe you need to work up to it. You definitely CAN get yourself into better condition, but it certainly doesn’t happen overnight.
The coughing and wheezing DOES sound like asthma. There is such a thing as exercise-induced asthma. Maybe you should talk to a doc about it. If it does turn out to be that, there are inhalers you can use just before exercise that really help.
The other thing you should remember is that you didn’t FAIL. It was just one bad day, and there are things you can do about it. Don’t beat yourself up because you’re not perfect – who is?? I doubt I could even have done as well as you did! Ya gotta just keep at it, day by day, and remember to think gradual, not sudden. And that all you need to be is the best YOU – who cares what anyone else thinks or does!
I will look up exercise induced asthma. This was a timed event and I was running as fast as I could. When I exercise at bootcamp I found it hard to catch breath. I would normally continue breathing hard for several long minutes. this is the first time I did the coughing and weezing. I also noticed that my left foot starts to swell and I normally do my exercising barefoot. I know I wasn’t like this last year. I am thinking about doing the lap band. I will at least check into it before my COBRA runs out.
Well, I was down to 141 naked on my scale yesterday morning. ONE pound away from my first goal! I’m thinking that the second goal is to get between 130 - 135 – that way, I’ll be below 140 (BMI 24.9) on the doctors’ scales, and NO ONE can blame my weight for my diabetes! Even though I tell everyone else that their weight did NOT cause their diabetes, I’m still struggling with the guilt trip for myself. Guilt trips are VERY hard to get over, and I think it’s the worst part of Type 2.
Well all thou it is well into almost 3 months into the year I am wondering if I can still join in on your group? I just joined Tudiabetes. I too need to loose weight.
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2008. All 3 of our kids are type 1. Last April I weighed 237 lbs. and my blood sugars were hitting 450-500. I was taking Metformin and medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I decided enough was enough, I lost 88 pounds since then and I am exercising daily. I walk at least 20 miles per week (living in Ohio I have walked in many malls during the winter), watch everything I eat (I use a couple of apps on my iPhone to help), and take the stairs instead of elevators as much as possible. I now am only taking 1 cholesterol medication, I am not taking any of the rest now. When I go back to the doctor in June I probably will not need to take that medication anymore. I told my wife that I was losing the weight and exercising and I am not going back to where I was. It is nice being able to wear any of my clothes that I own, and really nice getting of of all of the medications. I feel a lot better. If anyone needs encouragement, I will help. It can be done.
Im in.
Im new at this and dont know my way around this website,but I will join your group and will keep
everyone abreast ofmy excercise and BG levels.and try to encourage anyone who wants it.
Update: Naked on the scale in the morning, I’m 140, which is officially BMI 24.9, and therefore normal weight! However, the doctor’s scale reads higher, and I want to get down to 130, whereupon, the doctor will also acknowledge that I’m normal weight. I just have to be patient!
that’s great,natalie!
ill be happy when i get there.
do you guys in this group have a commitment…say,at least 1/2 hr walk a day?
i work out usu.5 days a week but havent done so well this week.Im new here.
keep up the good work;it’s good your dr cares what u weigh.