Here’s something I’ve been thinking about. If money were no object, how would you arrange your domestic space to fit with your diabetes? A couple of thoughts I’ve had: a meter in each of the rooms I spend the most time- I think it would look cool to have it stored in a recessed wall compartment. I hate lugging my meter around! Same thing for a candy jar- why should I have to go downstairs to grab a juice box in the middle of the night? Kitchen with a built-in supersensitive scale. Strip trashcan in multiple rooms. Nice wooden storage area for insulin pump supplies.
If I had unlimited money I’d arrange my house with all the luxuries and comforts and fun things so that I could really relax and enjoy the part of my life when I didn’t have to think about diabetes.
An armchair or couch with a built-in console to hold my diabetes supplies.
A slot in the bathroom counter to drop my used supplies into.
A sharps container in every bathroom.
Oooh, I’d like to have a display next to my clock, on my exercise room wall, that showed my CGM numbers. That way, I could easily see where I’m trending, and treat without missing a step. This is also assuming I could afford the CGM device, since I can’t now.