Hot Bath, Omnipod, and High BG

Hi everyone,

Just a simple question. Have you ever taken a hot bath with the omnipod on your stomach and had the insulin inside it affected? I had two really high readings this morning (288 when I woke up & 286 two hours after a correction and bolus for the food I was eating). I've been running a little high, but i usually get back down to normal, or at least close, when I have a small snack (w/exact carb count) plus a correction and bolus.

Anyway, I was about to take a hot bath the night before until I realized my pump would be submerged, and quickly got out of the water. Probably exposed less than a minute or two. Have you ever seen insulin ruined in an omnipod in a hot bath like that?

I've also been sick and have been running a little high, so just checking every avenue for what it might be. Any thoughts or help are welcome!



My guess would be that "sick" is the most likely cause of high sugars. I've read many people here take saunas, hot baths, hot tubs, etc without adverse effects.
I was confused about your post re eating a snack when sugars are close to 300. I've found I do better to not eat at all until the blood sugar comes back down to close to normal (maybe 130 or lower). I drink at least 24oz of water, take correction bolus, & wait. Maybe I didn't understand what you meant.