I am looking for a hot cereal that is easy to digest yet still tastes good. What do others eat for breakfast? I am not into the smoothies. I live in Canada.
I eat a chia seed pudding / keto farina mix that I really like. The keto farina contains coconut, tiger nut flour, cinnamon and konjac root.
My post meal glucose is well behaved. The net carbs are about 8 grams with a significant amount of fiber in each component. I add vanilla, cinnamon, ghee and berries. The berries add more carbs.
I eat oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries. Splenda ,splash of milk. 35 carbs ,have eaten this for years. I am a morning exerciser. Nancy 50
I bought some cream of wheat cereal. I will make it with vanilla milk brown sugar Splenda and maple extract. It will only take 3 minutes in the microwave. I am anxious to try it. I just got the G4 and so far I am impressed. They finally got it right!
I eat steel cut oatmeal with fruit. Sometimes chia seeds, but very few. Steel cut doesn’t have that super big carb spike like the processed kind. But I only eat breakfast on weekends.
During the week I don’t eat it. I never thought I could do that but then I tried it, my sugar is great and I really don’t get hungry till lunch time anyway. So it’s sort of random fasting. The only issue is that when I eat again after fasting for 18 hours or so, my sugar will spike because of moving out of ketosis to glycosis. And so I need 10 percent more insulin when coming out of fasting.
It’s something I figured out while experimenting with intermittent fasting
McCann’s Instant Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal Cup, Original, 1.4 Ounce, Pack of 12 from Amazon. Just add water to the cup and microwave 90 seconds. Sometimes add cinnamon and powdered cloves. Because of the carbs, I make it last several days.
What is a G4?
The Guardian 4 CGM.
Oatmeal is always a good idea
I’m not going to be helpful here. The only porridge that I actually like is hominy grits with butter and black pepper. I actually love the stuff, but to quote my sainted great great aunt, Tante Marie - “I like (fill in the blank), but it doesn’t like me.”
As a kid, I couldn’t wrap my mind around that, but at 74 it makes perfect sense.
As a type 2 diabetic with fairly high insulin resistance, most porridge is just too many carbs for me.
I did find 2 cold cereals that I can eat, Premier Protein (14g total - 2g net carbs/2=13g) and Special K Zero (9g total carbs - 4g/2 fiber=7g).
The US labeling of dietary carbs is misleading. There are 2 kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble is digestible while insoluble is not.
An example of this, 1 cup of oatmeal like Quaker Oats has 27g total carbs with 1.5 g of soluble carbs and 1.6g of insoluble carbs giving a net carbs of 25.4g.
It’s not perfect but I find dividing dietary carbs by 2 and subtracting that from total carbs to work fairly well.
My favorite porridge, grits 1 cup has 29.8 g total and dietary carbs is so low as to be negligible 0.5g.
Coming in months later, but I eat a couple of warm morning cereals.
My parents came from the American South, and I love savory grits. Never ever sugar; there is a debate over salt or sugar in grits. I’m team savory. I’ll even add cheese or kippers.
I also eat oatmeal. I prefer the flavored ones from Kraft. Those come in various flavors, but the maple and brown sugar one is my favorite. I’m not sure if you have them in Canada, but they’re a pretty big brand. There are also generic copies of it that I’ve seen over the years here in the USA.
I’m afraid I had to move cereals to my extensive “treat list”…I’ve never found one that didn’t give me a big spike (of course I sometimes think that the air I breathe gives me a big spike…sigh). But when I decide to splurge, I go for oatmeal–with cream and a dollop of butter and a disgustingly humongous pile of brown sugar—LOL—you can see why it has earned pride of place on my treat list!..
Early days, when I was trying to learn to eat differently, I would just have a hard boiled egg and a piece of good cheddar…But now, with a blessedly retired husband who loves to cook, I have a 1 carb Atkins vanilla shake when I first get up–to settle my “shakeys” before they start. And then, an hour or two later when my sweetie arises, he fixes me a thoroughly yummy cheese omelet with a wee bit of onion in it. This is one of the ways a retired sweetie can restore your faith in the “Rightness” of the universe…LOL!