How can I open my Dexcom G4 Receiver to fix it?

Has anyone taken a G4 apart to clean, dry or repair it? Can you tell me where/how to pry it open on the edge? Thanks for your help!

If it’s malfunctioning, why not just call Dexcom for a free replacement? Every time we’ve had an effed-up receiver, Dexcom has replaced it. Quickly.

Not if it’s more than a year old (out of warranty) and someone is paying for this stuff themselves… :​(

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that, is where i can help, out on, pm me,so i can help, you out on it,.

I’m approaching Medicare age, which means I’ll have to pay for these out of pocket, so trying to learn all I can about how to save $ when dex is out of warranty!

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Hi Bob,
My Dexcom receiver fall in water 2 months ago. It didn’t work anymore.
I repaired it in this way : the box is assembled with glue, so I dremel it cautiously.
Inside there is battery, screen and 2 electronics printed board. if you are cautious it’s not so difficult to disassemble. Look with attention before doing it ! I washed all these items with alcohol and a teeth bruth and I assembled it, pasting the half boxes with silicone.
It works perfectly now.
You need special screwdriver to disassemble boards. I found it in an IPhone 6 repair box in a DIY show for about 20 $.
I apologize for my english langage, it’s not my native langage as I’m french.
Best regards

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Hi do you now how to change batteri on a slim dexcom g4?


here’s a topic on that subject

clearly not something I’d be able to do!

Do you remember what type of battery is in the receiver?