How long with good numbers?

Well of course yours does Danny!! :slight_smile:

You always make me laugh!!


104 ! wow ! what do you eat ! or maybe not eat to achieve this ! - I need your meal plan !!

  • saw your orange blog !!! - gonna give all my relatives for Christmas a punnet of oranges + a box of needles - will keep everyone busy for hours !! forward planning ! -

Yeah, that sounds about right- 1/2 a day. My worst numbers are right after dinner too- as so many of you have admitted. Iā€™m not really sure why. Maybe my Levemir is starting to wear off at that point?

Iā€™m okay with it. It just means an extra injection to bring it down later. No biggie, I guess.

Hey Marps,

In the evening people tend to be more insulin resistant. Also usually the largest meal of the day & when weā€™re least active. I have a different 1:C ratio to deal with dinner, not that it always works:) In case this applies to anyone else, I found out I have gastroparesis. All day my numbers will be good, but was having spikes 40+ .hours after dinner. Taking a larger bolus didnā€™t work because then Iā€™d have lows two hours after dinner. My endo said that gastroparesis is most apparent in the evening because of larger meals & less physical activity. He also said that many more diabetics have gastroparesis then is realized.

I have been trying to get in 1/2 hour of exercise every day which usually happens just before or after dinner, so I am having to adjust my 1:6 carb ratio. I seem to be more resistant at breakfast. I do take Levemir twice a day and we are starting to tweak the 2 doses so Iā€™m hoping for more stability.

Of course Dr. Bernsteinā€™s premise seems to hold trueā€“the more carbs I eat, the more likely I am to go too high or too low from my dose of Novolog. So I have been trying to stay around 40 carbs or less at each meal, and I only eat 12 grams at breakfast.

I donā€™t know, 1/2 a day would be pretty optimistic an estimate for me. But it does feel fantastic to be ā€œin the zoneā€ when it happens, doesnā€™t it?

I love the zone, wish it lasted longer. If I donā€™t eat I am fine. :wink:

This was actually my doctorā€™s advice at my last visit. After studying my numbers, he looked at me and said, ā€œWell to have great blood sugars all you need to do is not eat.ā€

So true. :frowning:

I was celebrating a great weekā€¦ until a few days ago, my meter AVERAGE went up by 40 points in the last week. :frowning:

Wow, this thread sent me on a little thought boomerang! First I read the question and thought, ā€œcool question, Iā€™ve been doing much better latelyā€. Then I started to check my book and realized my own answer was 2 days was the record (the norm more like 1/2 day). Then I got all depressed. Then I read all of your responses including some of you long-term/good control people and realized I was doing a pretty average job. Whew!

when i was in my honeymoon phase
i would have good numbers [double-digits]
everyday until bedtime, usually 130ish if not higher.