Humalog Sliding Scale

I've been a diabetic for quite some time now and to be honest have not been that good at it. I've recently had a food infection that pretty much put things in perspective for me as far as needing to take better care of myself. I was always ignorant to taking additional insulin because it's not that easy to adjust to especially if you live a active life style, and I was not comfortable with the idea of possibly gaining weight.

I've recently just started taking the Humalog for mealtimes and in addition I take lantus at night. Can someone give some type of direction on this type of insulin therapy. I currently work out about 2 - 3 days a week for about an hour.....will this play a big role in keeping down the weight?


Hi Tee,
Have you seen a diabetes educator and/or Nutritionist? I have been regularly seeing one who is both a diabetes educator and a Nutritionist. She has helped me to make adjustments to my insulin for different needs including when exercising. I have recently been working out regularly about 3-6 times a week now for 45-60 minutes. She has advised me on how much carbs I need to have eaten prior to exercising based on how long my workout will be and what my blood sugar needs to be also before exercising. Taking insulin right before exercise may also accelerate how fast your bloodsugar will drop, so you have to watch out for that too. I would recommend you meet with a healthcare professional like a diabetes educator (preferrably one who is also a Nutritionist) who can help tailor a plan for your insulin needs and adjustments for days you plan to exercise. I found it very beneficial and think it would be for you as well. Good luck.


It’s a very complicated situation trying to balance with MDI. I workout 4 times a week and try to cut my fast insulin back on those days. If you exercise right after eating it will work but if I do it late afternoon it becomes a problem. My Dr. said I could cut my Novolog back up to half at meals. It seems counter productive to workout but have to eat more! I’ve been cutting back on my lunch insulin or eating very low carbs or no carb at lunch and saving my carb for before I workout later in day. Or I’ll cut back on my lunch insulin when I workout at 1pm.