I just want to say thank you to everyone who replied to my comment in the "'it changes us but in a good way" thread. I decided that I will reply here to stop myself from hijacking, because, knowing the way I ramble on about things, I'll go off topic a few times.
I know that with some of my posts I come across as a fairly negative person. Sure, I complain a lot, but I honestly enjoy my life for the most part. There are just way too many situations that, well, frustrate the hell out of me! Diabetes is only 1 of them. There's also my parents' divorce (its been going on for 4 years now, but they won't ever finalize it), That whole sucking at sports thing, being a social outcast for reasons I'm not entirely sure of, and professors that can't teach, just to name a few. I just feel so limited by everyone and everything, and diabetes often takes it that one step too far. When that happens, I'm usually on here complaining about it.
I guess my biggest problem is being constantly being reminded that I'm fragile. Not necessarily weak, I've proven to myself and other people on many occasions that I am stronger than I look. I got lots wide-eyed stares by the football team when I hang cleaned 225 lbs. I just find it annoying when I'm restricted because of an absence of 1/100 of a milliliter of a stupid hormone. I should be able to do everything that an able-bodied person can do, but on many occasions, I find myself being brought down. Its sometimes impossible to have fun when I'm constantly worried about my sugars. Prom is a great example, how the heck am I supposed to be carefree and hang out with a cool girl when my bloodsugar is over 400 for 5 hours straight? No one else there had to worry, while I was scared to death the whole time.
This is why I can't say that diabetes has changed me into a better person. Who wants a friend (or boyfriend even) who's a constant nervous wreck at parties? When I'm just casually hanging out at school, I generally don't have problems, but anything outside of the norm is scary. Why? because I'm fragile. I don't care how many times I am told "diabetics can do anything!" that may be true, but any stressful situation is magnified 10 times when you have diabetes.
But, honestly, I don't hate my life. If a truly hated it, I would have stopped caring about my bloodsugar years ago. I guess I'm just too darn competitive to let something as simple as a lack of insulin get the best of me. I mean, I have a family, a home, a network of friends, a job, and I'm currently working on an engineering degree. I can't say I hate my life, because if I did, it would mean that I hate all of those things too. However,, I also feel that I am too stressed out by everything to say that I "LOVE" my life. The constant reminder that I am more fragile than everyone else is a constant drain. I would like to be able to enjoy the things that make life fun without having to worry. Is that too much to ask?