since I’ve been on here but, we lost our computer so now I have to go to the library to use theirs. Not as convient as it was to just hop online when I was at home. So so sorry I haven’t been here to talk to everyone but, guess what?! Member how I said my sugar levels stayed in the 400-500’s and up? Well… I finally got to go see a doctor after waiting 3 months on my appointment and he changed my dosages of insulin and now that I’m more active I can’t keep my sugar levels up! (no thats not really good either but it’s better than being in keytoacidosis (sp?)) Anywho… if you wanna get ahold of me you can email me on here but it’s easier for me to get access to my myspace account (
So so so… I gotta skiddadle and I’ll talk atchyall later!
Love yas and keep em’ blood sugars dowwwwn!!:o)