I started using the Animas Inset (6mm) in January this year after over 10 years of using the Cleo 90 infusion sets. There are a lot of things I like about the Insets, and when they work, they work better for me than the Cleos. But every so often I seem to get a bad batch. Animas is good about replacing them, but I’m wondering if there’s anything else I can do on my end to prevent the problem from occurring.
The last 5 insets I inserted hurt a lot more than usual upon initial insertion. Then, over the course of several hours, the area underneath would swell up and start to hurt. Within 6 hours or so, once I realize that my blood sugar is not coming down from the 300 range, I assume that my infusion set is not working, and I remove it. Although there is no blood visible in the cannula or tubing, as soon as I remove the infusion set, I start bleeding a lot! Obviously the insulin is getting diluted by blood and not working. Plus, then it hurts and feels bruised for a few days! This has happened in several different sites all over my body, so I know it’s not just one particular area that is an issue.
Supposedly this kind of problem is caused by hitting a blood vessel—but it’s hard to believe that I hit blood vessels so consistently! Do you think all of my sites are just really tender for some reason? Or might this be a problem with the actual sets? Do any of you have any home remedies to prevent this from occurring, or helping the area to feel better sooner afterwards?