Infusion Sets!

I recently switched to the tSlim after being on Omnipod for about 5 years and I’m not up on all the new infusion sets. Turns out I’m allergic to the Cleo (I’m never really sensitive to anything on the skin so this was weird, but I think it’s the clear adhesive patch)and I don’t really like the Tset from Tandem either. So tell me your favorite set and why you like it! :slight_smile:

I made the same switch. I tried the Orbits. They’re manual insertion 90 degree. They literally spin around 360 degrees. I went back to the Animas insets. The self contained insertion device is a little tricky at first. They stick like glue on me! You can ask for Orbit to send out free samples. I received three.

I like the Animas sets. They will send you free sets with a RX. I found out that I am allergic to the adhesive on the IV3000s and I am allergic to the prep wipes. I have to change out my sets every 2 days.

I've used the insets from Animas and I do ok with those. I've used the Cleos and they were eh ok, same with the Inset30. Now I am using the Orbit which I think are pretty cool. I like the Micro best of the two because the needle is SO tiny and for me it's more comfortable than the 90 but I can wear either. If you are paying out of pocket they are slightly less than other infusions too.

Hi! I'm new to the pump scene (and just recently diagnosed as diabetic) and I'm torn between the t:slim and Omnipod. This is off subject to your post, but since I'm researching both pumps I'm curious as to why you made the switch from the Omnipod to the t:slim. I appreciate hearing from users and not reps! :)


I spent years on the OmniPod with very few problems. I then had a run of bad pods followed by issues with the PDM. It was replaced; and the same issues popped up–sticking buttons, unexpected shutting down. For the most part, it was a good run. I did develop an allergic reaction to the adhesive! Keep in mind that if you forget to bring along your PDM, you have no way to control your pod. I did that more often than I’d like to admit.

I love my t:slim. I’ve affectionately named it “Watson”. I’ve had a few people ask me if I had a new iPod/Pad nano. LOL. The pump is physically beautiful; and incredibly simple to use…no scrolling up or down. Profiles are so easy to set up. So much info is displayed on a single screen. I believe the t:slim web site has videos. Take a few minutes to view them.

If you have specific questions, I’d be happy to relay my experiences.

My first pump was a Minimed. I used that for many years and then when Omnipod came out I was really interested in trying something new and being tubeless! I do still like the Omnipod but I only felt comfortable wearing the pods on my thighs. I always knocked the pods off my arms and did not like them on my stomach. So over 5 years of use, I think I wore out my thighs. Last year one of my sites got a really bad infection. It wouldn’t respond to antibiotics and I ended up having surgery to remove a large abscess and was in the hospital for a week. After that, whenever I had a little discomfort at my pod site, I started to worry I was getting another infection. So I decided I needed to go back to a tubed pump for a while and give my thighs a break. I LOVE the Tslim pump itself so far, just need to find an infusion set that works good!

So with Omnipod,
Pros: no tubing, waterproof (no need to detach for swimming or showers), you can control it more discreetly (I’d just reach in my purse to bolus if I was out somewhere and no one even noticed). Meter is built in to the PDM. If you have the pod in a good spot, it doesn’t interfere with your sleeping (I toss and turn a lot so have to remember to grab my Tslim when I roll over).
Cons: I had quite a few pods fail. It alarms loud- it’s not just a beep, it’s a continuous whine (I work in a courtroom a lot so it was embarrassing at times when it went off), I’ve had stuck keys on the PDM. It can be more visually obvious depending upon where you put it and how tight your clothes are. You have to carry (and remember!) the PDM (your basal still works, you just can’t bolus without it). If a pod fails you waste all the insulin. You HAVE to change it after 3 days (and I think an 8 hour grace period). Even if you are out somewhere and don’t have another pod, you’re out if luck when it expires.

I know choosing a pump is difficult and such a big investment! I would definitely get a sample pod sent to you to wear to see if you like having it on you before you decide. I’m pretty sure they FINALLY came out with the smaller pods now. Omnipod customer service was always good. If a pod fails they replace it if you have only worn it for a certain amount of time or if it fails at prime. But the insulin is still wasted. They replaced my PDM quickly when it crapped out on me. I’ve only talked to Tandem once and they were great about getting me new infusion sets the next day when I found out I was allergic to the original type I ordered. I love the insulin on board total that is on the Tslim. Some people are against the fact that the Tslim has a rechargeable battery. Doesn’t bother me though as I am used to charging my phone and dexcom so this is just one more thing. And I can do it in my car on my way to work or at the computer. And like Janice said, being able to set up profiles is an awesome feature! I also love how the pump looks.

Hope that helps a little! :slight_smile: Feel free to ask me any questions.