In my experience as a Type 1 I know when there are high blood sugars you're very thirsty. I don't know what your blood sugars are and what kind of routine testing is part of your regime. The symptoms of high bs is thirst and plenty of trips to the bathroom.
There’s a condition called diabetes insipidus, which isn’t diabetes & isn’t related to T2 or T1. It’s characterized by extreme thirst & copious urination. There are several types of diabetes insipidus. Testing's simple. A urinalysis measures specific gravity & another test that’s fluid deprivation. It’s caused by a problem with ADH hormone. It's excessive urine output that causes the thirst.
What are your readings? Your profile indicates an A1c of 10.6% which is an average blood sugar of over 250 mg/dl. Once your blood sugar gets over about 180 mg/dl, your body starts to excrete glucose in your urine and that is when the whole pee and drink cycle starts. Are you spending a significant portion of the day above 180 mg/dl?
I am in Canada and we don't measure our blood sugar the same way as those in the States, for instance.
I take insulin before every meal and before blood sugar is mostly between 6.0 and 7.0. Two hours after my meal i test mostly under 10. The odd time i do test a bit high but i am always able to get it back in the zone.
I am very inactive right now. I have Fibromyalgia and am tired a lot and i need a lot of rest. I want to start a walking program but so far i have not. This is an issue with me that i know i must address promptly. My doctor tells me that as i lose more weight (i am a large lady) i will want to move around more.
I am working on a new diet that is gluten free and vegan. I have improved my eating habits tremendously and i am feeling better as a result.
I have a number of health issues including, psoriasis, osteoarthritis and bipolar disorder. All of these health issues (and a few others) take there toll on me and so i find i want to just be at home a lot or spending time with my family.
My computer keeps me on my toes. I spend hours a day researching all matters to do with health and wellness and other interests. I especially love my groups.
Thanks so much for responding to my post. I will check with my doctor asap and i will keep you all updated. We all can learn from each other.
I hope i answered your questions and hope i have given you a bit of insight into my life.
Hi Denise Wow! You've got a lot on your plate!
Your HbA1C is pretty high, so it might be the blood sugar. Have you considered increasing your insulin dose? I know different docs have different target numbers, but I try for 4-6 before meals and 6-8 afterwards (we use the same system in South Africa).
But then I drink a heck of a lot (at least 2.5 litres a day) even when my BS isn't high. If I make a hot drink I always pour a glass of cool drink at the same time because it takes too long for the hot drink to cool down to drinking temperature! So I guess some bodies just like to drink!
I hope you're feeling better.
I have to tell you, your blood sugars are high enough that it will cause your body to dump sugar into your urine and cause you to pee a lot after meals. The renal threshold for glucose is only 8.9 - 10 mmol/L (160-180 mg/dl). If you are still 10 mmol/L 2 hours after a meal, you will be dumping sugar.