Hi, I am just curious if anyone else experiences a high urine volume per void despite good to excellent blood sugar control. I typically only go five to six times per day, but the urine amount seems excessive. And I only drink about 2500 mL of water/liquids each day.
Can even brief high blood sugar numbers (spikes after meals before insulin has kicked in and/or peaked) cause large volumes of urine? Obviously a question for a medical professional, but just thought I would see if any other T1 is, or has, experienced this.
If your blood sugars after meals peaks above the renal threshold (160-180 mg/dl) you may experience greater excretion and a need to urinate. It isn't that you are drinking a lot it is that your body dumps the glucose and water as a means of getting rid of excess glucose. My bet is that if you adjust your insulin timing and dosing and/or eat lower carb meals you will probably find you void less.
Thank you Brian. Yes, there are times when I take my insulin right at my meal, rather than 15 minutes before as instructed. My BS can go to 190-200 before coming down. Although I was diagnosed with autoimmune T1 seven years ago, I still produce insulin. My primary insulin secretion is faulty and my secondary is still relatively intact. I require very little insulin still (.5-2 units per meal carb depending) because if I take too much novolog, I will tank at the peak time. You bring up an excellent point about eating less carbs. I do much better when I do not exceed 30 carbs in a meal. I am GF. Sure wish I had it in me to go Paleo. Thanks for your kind reply. Best, Melissa
Melissa, is there a chance you have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Having just got over one, that comes to mind when you describe excessive urination. I believe we are more subject to them.
Hi Zoe, Thanks so much for your post. So, about an hour after I posted my question, I received a call from a nurse through my physician. She said that my urine culture's secondary results (initial results were normal) showed group B strep bacteria. I was really surprised by this, since I have had absolutely no pain/discomfort. But I have felt quite unwell with fatigue, which is what took me to the doctor. I wonder if that is what is causing this. They want me in tomorrow for another sample.
perhaps you are experiencing Over-Active-Bladder. i pee all the time and even once or twice during the night. my A1c is 6.5, which is generally a sign of good BG control. my D doctor could find no traces of sugar in my urine either, no keytones present. so i went to a urologist on D doc's suggestion. after many mildly uncomfortable tests, i was dx and put on Myrbetrique. i have been problem free ever since. i still pee often, but not 1/2 as much as i had before the dx and med tx. keep in mind that peeing often is not the worst thing in the world. Good Luck.