Insertion sites

I am using the Animas ping and I was wondering where people insert their pump besides the abdomen.
I am Indian and our formal outfits involve exposing some area of the stomach and so I need alternative areas to insert.

You should be able to wear it anywhere you have some fatty tissue. Tush, lower back, and hips (avoid hip bones) are good choices. Some people do the back of their arms, and back of thighs. Experiment and see what works for you!

And beautiful outfits they are, Rachna!

I have had better luck with sets in my thighs (front) and on my hips if you have enough fat there. My abdomen always seemed like it was getting moved around too much.

When I first started insulin with the pens, I used to inject in my thigh and it used to swell up so I’ve been hesitant to insert the pump there but who knows, it may work ! I definitely need to experiment!

I used thighs for a long time, but strangely they have become less sensitive over time. Now I’m forced to use my abdomen a lot. But I’d say give your thighs a shot, and hopefully they won’t swell. I used to focus on the outer thigh, avoiding my lap because I’m pretty lean and I’d hit muscle tissue there even when I tried to avoid it.

If you’re f l e x i b l e and if you have some extra flesh there you could try the torso just above the bra line, kind of under the arm but scootched a little toward the back. Do you know what I mean?

I’m not sure I have enough flesh there but it’s an interesting suggestion!

Definitely need to give the thighs another shot.

I use Animas too and some of my favourite injections sites are: lower and upper part of butt and lower part of back, on the sides too…
thighs and arms are out of the question for me - too much muscle tissue :frowning:
i’ve experimented with various sites on upper abdomen or on the back right under where your ribs end and with an angled cannula it’s usually possible to find a good spot :slight_smile:

Isn’t it weird how sometimes you WISH you were, well, plumper?! Good luck, Rachna. I love Indian textiles and envy your clothing so much!

It’s really weird but sometimes I do. I keep repeating sites and it hurts !
Thanks Laura!

I will definitely have to experiment!

Hi Rachna! I like to use the lower hip/side of my upper thigh area and also my lower back/upper tush area. Best of luck!

I just tried to upper butt this morning. It’s hurting a little but so far its okay. Gotta get used to it ! Thanks

It does feel weird at first, but that’s one of my favorite spots now! It’s also a great spot for swimsuit wearing because if you position it just right, your swimsuit will totally hide it- I saw in your Dexcom discussion that you’re going on a cruise :wink:

The cruise is exactly why i need to find more creative spots ! :slight_smile:
It’s such a process !

Agreed! If you find any creative spots for the Dexcom sites, I would love to hear them. I’ve just been using my abdomen thus far, and it’s fine, but I’d like to switch it up a little bit!

that’s all i’ve used and I’ve only been on the dex for 3 months.
Will let you know though ! :slight_smile: