alllright…so lemme give a rundown of my life as of late:
- I turn 21 next week!
- I still can’t eat birthday cake : (
- I moved and dont have an Endo team anymore and my numbers are Out Of Control! : ((
- Im going to get an A1c tomorrow…its been a year. oops?
- My health insurance ends on my birthday. fantastic
- Since i last wrote on here, i got into a relationship, got out of said relationship, and decided my ex was a very large DB, and that i was being used/played. never thought I’d see the day. But alas, makes me a better person…right?
- Spending my entire summer in florida (im going stircrazy)…apparently my town is devoid of under-50 life.
- i CANNOT find a summer job for the life of me
- im complaining alot…meh
- I want to start drinking now that i will be legal (nothing crazy, just some here and there) but I dont know how to account for alcohol with my BG or bolusing or counting carbs. i drank a few times when i was on shots but that was SOOO long ago i dont even remember HOW i did it!
life is quite messy lately. i wish i had some organization.
in the mean time i just cleaned my room and organized everything. gotta control some things right?
anywhooo…in other news, I started to make my own hair falls…which is pretty cool. Made 2 new shirts and I started working on another altered book. go art! hah. im sucha dork.