It's only Diabetes!

I've been thinking a lot about my new life with the "suga's" and I'm very grateful for it. Of all the things life could drop on me, D isn't so bad. This is one disease, at least for me as a type II I can do something about. And, I guess I feel a sense of responsibility to do something about it for all the others out there who can't fight back when life goes bad.

I have a neighbor two houses down from me who was recently discharged from Iraq. Two weeks after being discharged he fell off of an ATV on a hunting trip and broke his neck. His mobility is pretty limited and runs his wheel chair by using his mouth as he has very minimal use of his hands and fingers. He has caretakers visit him and empty his colostomy bag, give him baths, put him to bed and get him out of bed every morning. He has a buddy from the service that lives with him to help with his other needs. This guy has everything in the world to be pissed off about. You would never know it though talking to him on the phone. He is one of the most upbeat happy people I've ever met. I'm not sure that I have that kind of strength in me. And the really cool thing is he hasn't given up the things he loves in life, he finds ways around his limitations and sees them only as challenges to conquer. He still goes hunting with as much help as he allows. Neil is an inspiration to me and a litmus test to compare the small inconvienances I have to deal with in my life.

I look at my diabetes as an offered exam. Something I can study for and improve my chances of high scores. I've learned that since gaining control over my BG's (9.2 Dx, unofficial 5.9 today) most of the crazy things that my body was going through over the last 2 years before my Dx have disappeared. The great thing about my disease (as type II) I have tools in the box to fight back with. It would be a disservice to Neil and others far worse off than me (Neil wouldn't see it this way) not to use them. The changes in my life have been small compared to those my friend Neil has had to make. It puts it all into perspective for me. I can't think of anything diabetes could send me that would be as tough as not being able to take a walk, or go for a swim, make love, or even wipe my own ■■■. I thought I would share this so maybe someone else can take something from it. Life isn't what you take, it's what YOU make of it.

...Tom Hanks once said "There's no crying in baseball". There are definately tears in all of our lives, but are they all deserved? The answer for me is D doesn't deserve any tears for myself, maybe for others who can't fight back, but not for me.

...Gotta go get a wrench out of the box now. Keep on Keepin!

You are a wonderful Inspiration, Scott!!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts & feelings here!! Amazing people you have livin on your street!! (to include you & your Family)

Paige and Mr Duck, I’m as guilty as any of the worst pitty party planners (5x fast). But, it really helps me to stop and imagine myself wearing less fortunate shoes. Sometimes it’s a real concious effort, and isn’t always an easy thing to do, but the more I do it the more thankful I am for what I do have. Reminding myself when I start down Pitty Road helps to keep me out of the gutter. Anyway, thanks for the nods, I hope the reminder can help you too!

I am so proud of your turn around. The story of your friend makes me feel very humble and have nothing to complain about after hearing his story. I look at diabetes as a blessing because I am now taking better care of myself, eating healthier, and seeing my doc more often so if other things pop up it can be caught right away. I can’t imagine what he is going thru. I live close to Ft. Hood. The soldiers returning are not getting proper mental health care and the suicide rate on returning has been very high and in a short amount of time after being home. It’s sad that it takes something like that to stop you in your tracks and make you reevaluate everything in your life. Life is good, Scott. I would write more but I fell a few days ago and broke both my hands. I’m proud of you. J

J, what are you doing typing with two broken hands? So sorry to hear that! You better be typing with your toes! Get better soon!

You should see my driving!!!