I’m going in for my second round of IUI tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it works, the first obviously didn’t, but to be honest I was a little relieved since I didn’t have my CGM (that saga is in another post).
Any IUI advice?
I know they say resume normal activities, but what does that mean? After my first IUI I went back to work and hiked 5+ miles in hilly terrain. I’m planning on taking the whole day off tomorrow to chill and be as low stress as possible. Also, does low carb influence fertility at all, does anyone know?
Thanks! It seemed to go okay, though I have been feeling really dizzy since. I thought maybe it was my blood sugar, but I don’t think it is. My blood sugar was a little elevated after giving the Ovidrel, running around 150, so I did try and get it down, now is about 85. Not a change that would normally make me feel like this.
Anyone had a 2nd IUI and feel dizzy after? I felt fine after my first one.
I ended up doing four unsuccessful IUIs (one fertilization, zero implantations) and didn’t have any special symptoms – diabetes-related or otherwise – after any of them, although I did choose to just hang out at home and do nothing special after each. I would do my normal workouts within 24 hrs. One of them (the actual procedure, but not afterward) felt much more painful than the others and I had some cramping for about 20 minutes while still in the doctor’s office.
(FYI, after three IUIs, the chance of conceiving via that route is pretty minimal, which I knew, but my OB/GYN’s office where I had the first three didn’t do any more advanced fertility procedures and we decided to do an IUI first with another clinic before we committed to an IVF with them.)
Baby dust to you! (I know, I know, very corny, but I do sincerely wish you the best on this journey!)
Thanks! I’ll take the corniness- I’m hoping this works! Though I’m pretty sure I was told there is a low success rate given my age. I think I have one more round until trying IVF.
I have been trying to take it easy, but still be active, which is really hard to do. I tend to do a lot of projects and work that involves heavy lifting and such.
I did continue to have cramping (plus the dizziness) the whole day after the IUI, then just cramping sporadically the day after and then also today, which is 2 days after.
I thought my blood sugars were a little crazy yesterday, but it could have just been the hormones, or just not bolusing right. My blood sugars tend to elevate after ovulation anyway, I usually have to adjust my basal rates depending on where I am in my cycle.
I don’t feel really confident that the IUI will work, but am hoping!!