Trying Again

I am about to try my 4th IUI. I am hoping this will be the one that sticks.

Trigger today with 2 19 mm follicles (and some smaller ones), IUI tomorrow morning.

All is good so far. Thyroid levels are excellent, A1C is 5.1.

about to enter the 2 week wait.

I am hoping for a healthy sticky baby! :slight_smile:

Best wishes to you Sally!

Good luck and let us know of how things are going. You are strong.
Did you test for every possible reason you might have misscarried?

lots of fingers and toes crossed! :slight_smile:

Hi Sally- My sister is taking high doses of progesterone to help her conceive and keep pregnancies as well. I know it’s not easy for you. You’re in my thoughts. Sending some baby dust your way.

YAY!! How exciting!! Baby dust!!! Please keep us updated!

It’s been about 2 weeks. Any update? Hoping for good news!

I will keep hoping for you! Baby dust.

How frustrating! A few more weeks and you can try again, right?
with my sister, it takes her 6 months of trying to conceive every time.
Good thoughts sent your way