Thanks for the perspective on this. I think where I get worried is that she’s out of range more often than not lately…that is actually good evidence for a growth spurt, though, huh? Another problem I have is that, being only two months in, I don’t feel confident correcting at times she is not “scheduled” for a shot (i.e. meal times and now, as of yesterday, afternoon snack time). I have a few questions for the endo at our appt. this Friday… Maybe we just need to keep tweaking her regimen for a bit.
Well, we went to the endo today and I have to say that I’m a bit reassured. Her a1c was 8.6% and that’s including a full month of undiagnosed time. Wow…it’s been two months today! I don’t know what I expected her a1c to be but I guess I’m just happy we’re anywhere close at this point…
I agree with getting off the “Not Particularly Helpful” NPH. Especially with a toddler. I’m guessing that they are growing now more than they ever will in their whole life, so mega- mega growth spurts. Not sure if you can control it… just do the best you can. This stage won’t be forever, thank goodness. I don’t know how you do it. Hang in there! Just want to add, excellent A1c, especially taking into account the undiagnosed month!
Thanks, Jan! Yeah, it’s weird…she was taken off Lantus because of drastic drops at night, which I understand. I guess they’re just relying on NPH to provide some middle of the day coverage between breakfast and dinner so she doesn’t need another shot. Trying to keep her to two shots a day since she is a little one. Although she is such a flippin’ trooper! Lately I’ve had to give her up to 4 shots a day and she did great! But it’s obviously not the preferred method for a toddler…
great news on the numbers… I read that you threw out vials… make sure if you think they went bad to take them back to your pharmacist… if it’s been only a short time… I’ve had them replace for free.
Herding cats, ROFLOL! Yes, I see that you use the “Not Particularly Helpful” type of insulin… the dreaded NPH. My niece was put on NPH at diagnosis and until we saw another endo (we got in in about a month) who switched to Lantus and Novolog, we did not see a blood sugar below the 200s. Ever. Lantus and Novolog worked for her right away. So I would try to switch out the NPH for Lantus or Levimir. Unless you think it works well, but it sounds like it is not. NPH does work well for a few people, but I think they are in the minority.
Yeah, her numbers are kind of all over the place lately. We’ve tweaked a few things and it’s a little more manageable but I think we’re going to have to tweak again…
Yes, today’s science lesson is “how much can a toddler eat before their stomach explodes?” Taylor has been low all day despite a 47g snack and a 40g lunch so I guess I just get to keep testing her and feeding her until she comes back up… Nerve-wracking to let her nap right now but she’ll be unmanageably tired if I don’t. I’m going to sneak in and test her in a few minutes and hope she doesn’t wake up. She usually doesn’t when I test her in the middle of the night. My cat-herding skills are being tested today…
Cobi…I was diagnosed at 50 and I actually considered myself fortunate from the start. Just the thought of what it would have been like to deal with this all my life or have dealt with one of my daughters…
As the girls in the south say, “Bless your heart.” You are fantastic, your precious daughter is special, and she is so lucky to have such a loving mother. You are doing a great job.
PS Regarding CRAP…Catastrophic Ruthless Attack on the Pancreas, when a member coined that phrase a while back, Bernard wrote a mock press release stating the concern that the media get confused with CRAP (T1) vs #2 (T2.) Thought you might appreciate a laugh.
ROFLMAO! Love the mock press release concept! My dad has Type 2 as well…a little different kind of crap.
Thanks for the encouragement. Most days I do okay and it almost feels normal. But then there are the roller coaster days like today… Oh well, Mommas just do what they gotta do…