Ladies-wearing pump with pajamas

Ladies, I’m getting my first pump soon and thinking ahead to how to wear it. How do you wear it with pajamas? Mine sure don’t have pockets.

I wear a shelf/sports bra to bed and stick it in there.

spibelt. don’t have to remember to take it out of pockets… it just goes with me wherever, whenever. probably helps that i can sort of forget i am wearing it until I need to press some buttons.

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I usually tuck it into the waistband of my underwear or pajamas. I prefer (both overnight and in day clothes) to tuck the pump into the waistband rather than into pockets; that’s just worked better for me.

Occasionally, I just lay the pump next to me, near my chest while I sleep. I don’t toss and turn a lot, and that puts it into easy access range for checking my CGM readings overnight.

Did you consider Omnipod?


we have lots of discussions here about how to wear it sleeping, with tight clothes, and I remember one about a wedding dress. here’s one

There’s also several companies that offer underwear, bras and tank tops with built-in pump products. I’m blanking on the name, but a new one with some cute athletic gear was featured in this month’s Diabetes Forecast.

I pin an infant sock to the inside front of my nightgown. Works great.


Been buying pj bottoms with pockets for quite a while - lots of loungewear with pockets. If no pockets - tuck into to of stretchy briefs.

I clip it to the front of my waistband. That way I can sleep on my back or sides, and if I want to move to my stomach, I can just slide the pump to one side or the other. It also makes it easy to feel the pump when it vibrates.

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It’s not difficult to find pjs with pockets in normal stores. I’ve been buying for the 15 years I’ve been pumping. Jockey brand seems to make several styles each year. Also, it takes very limited sewing ability to put a couple patch pockets on the upper legs of pjs. A blending solid color will look fine on print bottoms.

I clip mine in my waistband, tuck it in my underwear, or just lay it next to me.

Thank you for the spibelt suggestion! I tried clipping it to my waistband and ended up conking it on the floor, nearly putting out my set when going to the bathroom at night. :blush: The belt keeps my tubing safe, and I don’t have to be careful when using the loo.

I wear a Hanes all cotton bra and tuck the pump in it. Ben doing that for many years.

my husband has his pump in his shorts pocket. I lay my pump on bed upside down to buttons are into the mattress in between us. I have only gotten tangled once or twice. I have learned to turn one way in bed as to not get tangled :slight_smile:

I am embarrassed to have ventured into this post. :blush:

Instead of reading, “Ladies, wearing pump with pajamas ???

My brain read it wrong, and I saw:
“Ladies!! Wearing pump with pajamas !!!”

and you know, I just had to look…

Sorry. I’ll go away now.


@Eric2: I don’t think you can get pajamas to fit pumps LOL


It took me a while, but I found some. :slight_smile:


I agree - just get the belt clip to the pump(MM) and clip it on the pjs! Best way and I’ve done this since my first pump in 2000!

Sometimes, clipping to my nightgown or underwear doesn’t work. I found an old “fanny pack” in my closet…a small one that wouldn’t fit a wallet, etc. …and the pouch is the perfect size for my new pump & dexcom.
