I’ve recently become incredibly restless with my pump at night. It’s all tangled around my body and falls out of my shorts pocket and I wake up to it under me, wrapped around whatever and bugs the hell out of me. What do you do at night to deal with this? I describe it as sleeping with a cell phone in your pocket. Not all that comfortable.
The pump has been amazing at keeping my A1C in the low 6’s but I need sleep too!!!
I usually clip it to my PJ bottoms, in the front, since I’m a side/back sleeper. You could also clip it to your shirt for more mobility. Doesn’t usually move around, but if it does, I don’t usually notice.
If I have my CGMS on (which I do almost every night) it’s kept between the boobies (so i can hear the alarms). If the CGMS is off that night i clip it to the waste band of my PJs
I wear a pocket t-shirt inside out. I loosely wrap the tubing around the pump and stick in the pocket. The shirt is just a little oversize so when I roll over on my belly, I can shift it to the side and not be laying on the pump.
I wear swim trunks and keep it in a side pocket with a velcro flap. They are nice because the material is very thin, and I’m pretty hot blooded. I’m also a belly sleeper, so keeping it in a side pocket keeps it out of the way. The pump has yet to slide out on me. When I wear regular pj’s, it sneaks out about half the time.
I am glad you asked this question because I am fixing to be on a pump and am a wrestless sleeper. Wonder if people with the omnipod have a easier time with this problem?
I usually just put it under a throw pillow next to me while I sleep. That way it stays out of the way (for me) and it doesn’t end up taking a hard hit into the wall. =)
If my pj bottoms have pockets I take the clip off and put it there, otherwise I just let it be lose next to me. I never have the clip on while I am sleeping that would make me crazy.
Sounds like you have tried all these so not sure if that was helpful.
i was reading these and thinking about how much easier it is with my omnipod… i wear it on the side of my upper arm and i am pretty restless. you can roll over on it, sleep on it and leave the pdm thingy on the night stand. i used to feel like i was going to tear it off or something, but i am realizing that it is sturdier than i once thought
Dear Dave. With this lenght of tubing can you toss from right side to left side when your sleeping or do you end up tangled. I dont think I rotate but oscillate from side to side. this is precisely the issue that has kept me from considering a pump although out of pocket cost is also a problem.
Hi dear, my sister has a night stand she puts it there sometimes or she just puts it beside her, I guess you shouldn’t think about it as much just sleep as you would without it.
Good Luck The pump is really good for you. I found a great website that talks about sleeping with the pump http://www.essortment.com/all/insulinpumpthe_pvf.htm
Sounds like it would be a good idea to wait for the Omnipod to be available in Canada. I have trouble sleeping under ideal conditions and I dont see have having a mess os tubing about will help.
I bought a pack of baby socks, I put the pump in a sock and then I safety pin the pump to my night shirt or shorts. I usually clip it in the middle of my chest, above my belly button so I can sleep on my back and both sides without laying on a lump of a pump. So far it has stayed out of the way and I haven’t ripped out an infusion set.