Anyone familiar with this company. Insulet says I will be covered 100% with them as opposed to them as they are ‘out of network’, Does anyone have experience getting their pods, PDM etc. thru them? Thanks. Getting ‘podded’ soon. LOL.
I have to use them to get my pump supplies. They are horrible. Omnipod does not allow you to turn in bad pods that were purchased from a third party vendor such as insulet. I have switched from omnipod to my old animas ir1200 pump because I have had 42 pod errors and omnipod will not warrant them. My PDM broke once and they harrassed me on getting it repaired. Good luck.
What??? If I buy supplies & PDM from Liberty omnipod will not replace the ‘failed’ or defective ones? Everyone has been saying omnipod over-nights them new pods when they fail. Not w/Liberty? I need to know as I seriously do not need more hassles in life. Please clarify Camper. Thank you. Ellie
NOT true in my experience. We order through Edgepark Medical, per our insurance instructions. Insulet ALWAYS replaces bad pods for us. The only difference is that they send them out at the end of the month rather than with our order, since our order does not come through them.
Yes, I was switched to Liberty this past June. They are easy to deal with on the phone. I now get 5 months worth of pods at a time as opposed to 3 months when getting them directly from Insulet. I also get my test strips from Liberty and am receiving 12 boxes at a time. Previously I paid copays for both products but now I pay nothing at all. Liberty has been a joy to deal with thus far!
BTW, if I get a bad pod then I call insulet and they replace it without any problems & insulet ships me a new pod.
Why thank you Johnny. The camper had me all freaked out about using Liberty. I was even thinking of backing away from my decision to be ‘podded’. I may check out Edgepark Supply per daneenm also. Thanks Camper. I do plan to grill the sales rep on what your comments mean and to secure his word I will be ttreated right. I don’t need any stress and this whole ‘pod thing’ and learning carb counting is already stressing me out.
If you can, try to find some other company. They totally messed up my life.
We had Blue chip for our daughter until they no longer would take her. They put Mary on Medicaid of PA. I used to deal with Edgepark, NO Problem, but they would not take Medicaid - soooo I called Liberty. They LIED to me and told me Medicaid would cover her Omnipod. WELL, no they don't. AFter I signed up with them, I find out they do not cover the Omnipod and I was down to 1 month supply left.
Long story short, I had to switch to a different pump and I let Liberty know how I did not appreciated being LIED to!! STAY AWAY if you can!!
Thanks MM. I am waiting to hear if Edgepark is on my Blue Cross list. Liberty sounded kinda dumb on the phone when I called. I'm waiting to return the forms until I decide.