Okay so after reading numerous blogs, discussions on the low carb diet, I’ve decided to give it a go for a few months and see how it works for my control, energy levels an over all health.
I was just hoping I could be given some suggestions on what to have for a typical breakfast, lunch and dinner.
For breakfast I eat 4 oz tomato juice, 1/2 c plain yogurt mixed with splenda and a few berries (actually tastes BETTER than sweetened yogurt I found!), coffee with half and half, and either 2 eggs or an Atkins bar.
Lunch, often leftovers as I work at home, but the plan is a big salad, another low-carb veg, and a serving of protein. If a starch like bread, either low-carb version or a very small portion.
Dinner, I eat with my husband so just eat small portions of veg, meat, and carb, using a low-carb starch when possible.
Snacks, small amount of cottage cheese with a raw veg cut up in it in early afternoon, 1/4 c. nuts in late afternoon.
I just posted a recipe this week for cinnamon maple pecan quesadillas that I am in love with. I am not a breakfast person even though I know it would level out my blood sugar and keep me from snacking all morning. I cannot get used to the idea of eating anything before 10:00. I like the low carb tortillas because I can throw them together in the rush to get out of the house, then eat them either on the way to work or at my desk. Portability is key, I guess.
As far as low carb goes, I think it rocks. I’m still feeling pretty new to taking insulin (six months now) and it helps me keep my numbers in a good range for now. I’ve regained sensitivity; I can feel when I am going high. And my insulin requirements are very low… 15 to 30 units of Novolog(depending on quantity of food consumed and whether or not I am strict that day) and 10 units of Levimir. I rarely get any higher than 200…ands that’s only when I indulge in Andes mints and get lazy and dont cover. Working on getting down to a tighter range though.
If you use yogurt use “greek” yogurt plain of course but my fav. is egg beaters and low carb veggies! Also throw it under the broiled w a little parm. cheese for a crust!
Pork rinds as a chip replacement, and a home made hot salsa. (very little tomatoes, chilis onions parsely and white viniger)
Makes a great TV snack, doesn’t spike me so it’s just a calorie issue.
About a tablespoon of Smuckers or Polander sugar-free jam or crushed pineapple or fresh berries in season mixed in a 3/4 cup of Cottage cheese–topped with chopped nuts.
Blaine’s low carb kitchen on Fit TV; also has a web site with the recipes. He makes a low carb gnocchi, which I would have thought impossible. Many of his recipes are low carb but high fat though. I like the website Kalyn’s Kitchen very much. She use South Beach, so you will find anything from very low carb to moderate carb. Her recipes are low-glycemic index.
I feel pretty good eating an egg or two for breakfast, some nuts or veggies for snacks, fish, chicken, steak, tuna, for lunch and dinner with some veggies on the side. It has helped me a lot to experiment with different nut butters and sauces and herbs in order to make sure all my food has a lot of texture and flavor to it. Makes it easier. Good luck to you! I often find a great selection of low carb recipes at gourmet.com
Low carb is good, but carbs are necessary (I think). Choose the right carbs, i.e. whole wheats, pumpernickel, sweet potatoes, brown rice (avoid anything white) fruit in the morning or early afternoon (lower carb fruits like berries), LEAN proteins and green veggies! Snack on a handful of nuts.
I love this kind of discussions! :D food makes me happy even if it's the controlled kind I loved food even before I got diagnosed with diabetes. At-least it keeps the medicine away. If you want to eat food that will keep your blood sugar normal try this http://tgp.com.ph/blog/5-recipes-high-blood-sugar-bay/
with this you wont have to worry about both your blood sugar and carbs.