I am in need of a new medic alert bracelet. I have been looking online but the selection is a bit overwhelming. Any suggestions for a site that has good quality, stylish and reasonably priced ID bracelets? I remember seeing a link on this site a while back but can’t seem to find it.
I think a lot of people have found neat ones at http://www.laurenshope.com/? I got a cool guitar pick necklace thing there that I like a lot, it'd be cool w/o the medic alert functionality. I haven't put it to the test though...
Wow great web site. Thanks so much for the recommendation. I have picked one out and order it. Very excited!!
Thanks so much. Already ordered one from this site. CAnt wait to get it!,
These are cool..
I really want one of these..
But they don't seem to ship to the UK..
I don't suppose if I paypaled someone the cash on here they could order and then send over to me in the UK? I really would appreciate it???? Pretty please ha..
I'd be happy to help Buckley!
Awesome! Which one did you get?
Try a TATTOO !!!
Cheaper, you won't loose it or have to pay Medic alert an annual fee !!
I get my bracelet from Lauren's Hope but maintain an account with Medic Alert. I just have Lauren's Hope engrave my bracelet with my medic alert information. The Medic Alert account stuff has come in handy before so it's something I feel is worthwhile to maintain. Lauren's Hope definitely has an awesome selection. I just got one of the wrap bracelets and LOVE IT. They also have sales pretty frequently, so keep an eye out for those.
Both of my tattoos have been more expensive than any of the bracelets I've seen? I just have Mrs phone number on my tag. Not, perhaps, as useful as medic alert. Both of the severe hypos I've had in the last 10-15 years have been @ family events anyway...
I received mine from Jewel Basket. It's a stainless Steel Bangle bracelet with a pressure clasp that I like. Also engravable.
i'm a gold girl, and i've had my bracelet for about 3.5 years now. i wear it constantly and have not had ay issues. http://www.oneida-medical-jewelry.com/goldfilled.html
My hero! I will shoot you a PM over the next couple of days. Much appreciated.
Hi Mari,
I just got this one http://www.utagice.com/acatalog/Purchase_a_UTAG_with_Engraving_on_UTAG_dogtag.html and find it's very good. A bit thicker than a 'regular' dog tag, but having the ability to store all the numbers for hospital, doctor, etc. on the USB is a real plus.
I ordered the blue Jean wrap bracelet. Very casual and something I can wear every day. Thanks!!